Here’s How The Unfolding Obama Scandal Actually Is ‘Worse Than Watergate’…
Barry isn’t going to like this one little bit. This scandal just might stick.
ClashDaily has already debunked the ‘scandal-free’ Obama administration.
Barry was totes kewl with weaponizing government against his political enemies. Just ask Tea Party groups targetted by the IRS or Dinesh D’Souza about his prison sentence.
But still, the Media (D) has continued to say that he’s scandal-free.
Why is that?
Maybe they’re all drunks that have lower brain function and can’t filter out their own biases, or, they’re complicit.
The journalists exposed Watergate. This time, they’re aiding and abetting the wrong-doing.
Do we still have a ‘free and independent press’ when they’re willing to do whatever it takes to help out ‘their guy’ in the White House?
Sure, the Media (D) isn’t being told what to report, but they’re quick to report ‘leaks’ from the White House without any verification whatsoever if it pushes their leftist agenda or makes the Trump administration look bad.
In a great piece on PJ Media, Roger L. Simon explains that the Inspector General’s upcoming report will reveal just how bad the ever-growing scandals involving the FBI, the intelligence agencies, and the Obama administration really is:
By providing a willing and virtually unquestioned repository for every anonymous leaker (as long as he or she was on the “right” side) in Washington and beyond, the press has evolved from being part of the solution to being a major part of the problem. Gone are the days of the true “whistle-blower.” Here are the days of the special interest provocateur, shaping public opinion by passing on half-truths and outright lies to their favorite reporter. One might then even call the media, in Orwell’s words, “objectively pro-fascist,” functioning much in the manner of Pravda and Izvestia during that famous author’s time, covertly or overtly pushing the party line in the most slavish and orthodox manner while feigning “objectivity.”
Simon then names names:
CNN, NBC, the Washington Post and The New York Times — misinforming the public as it hasn’t since the days of their great Stalin-excuser Walter Duranty (still pictured on their Pulitzer wall of honor) — are particularly egregious in this regard. But there are many others.
And the current scandal is far, far worse than Watergate, which, bad as it was, was the coverup of a completely unnecessary buffoon-like break-in during an election that was already won in a landslide. What is being exposed now is an attempt by our highest law enforcement agency working in concert with our intelligence agencies and, evidently, the blessing of the former administration itself to block the candidate of the opposing party, even to defraud and spy on him, that is to, as others have said, “set him up.” And then, if they were unsuccessful, make it impossible for him to govern. In addition, in all probability, the same players conspired to make certain Hillary Clinton was not indicted for a crime for which virtually any other American would have done jail time.
Now, what will the journalists do when they get caught up in this net?
Who the heck knows. The tattered shreds of their reputations are on the line.
Desperate people do desperate things.
We may have gotten a taste in the nervous reaction of CNN’s Jake Tapper to an informative series of tweets from the WSJ’s Kimberley Strassel on the matter. Roughly a year ago, Mr. Tapper famously accused Donald Trump of himself being a purveyor of “fake news” for alleging he was being wiretapped (what an understatement that turned out to be!). Instead of apologizing for being wildly wrong or even acknowledging his mistake, Tapper tweaked Ms. Strassel for accidentally tweeting “Hurricane Crossfire” rather than “Crossfire Hurricane” (the name the FBI cribbed from Mick Jagger as a trendy name for their repellent activities).
Here’s the awkward Tapper video:
Wow. That didn’t age well, did it?
Now we just wait and watch to see if Barry gets tagged in this mess. After all, he did open the floodgates for leaks right before he left office. That’s kind of suspicious now, don’t you think?
An interesting sidelight is the degree to which Watergate itself inspired the present level of reportorial corruption by launching “leaks” (i. e. Deep Throat and company) as the royal road to journalistic success, Pulitzer prizes, and Hollywood fame. In a sense, that would put journalism today in its Robespierre period, going further and further out onto a limb for a story until the limb falls off.
Whether Barack Obama himself will be looped definitively into the IG’s report, we don’t know at this time. But we all know where the fish rots from and we also know that Obama, despite his denials, knew well that Hilary was using an illegal server. He wrote her there himself under an assumed name, showing he was only slightly more computer savvy than John Podesta.
These next few weeks are going to be among the most interesting in our lifetimes — especially for our friends in the press. We know from the NYT earlier this week they are preparing their excuses. Let’s hope they don’t have enough.
Source: PJ Media
It couldn’t happen to a nicer group of people, amirite?
Do You Think That The Unfolding Obama Scandal Is Really 'Worse Than Watergate'?
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And a men’s version…
The problem isn’t just the lies they tell…
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It’s propaganda:
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