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News Clash

Libs Blast Trump Over Sad Pics of Illegal Kiddies – Of Course They Got It All Wrong

One errant tweet intended to hammer Trump lit up Twitter, because it accidentally said more about the ‘other’ guy than it did about Trump.

Shaun King is one of the few people that still has the tweet up: (apparently, he didn’t learn his lesson yet about researching first. Doxxing that innocent cop wasn’t enough to drive the lesson home.)

You’d think that Jon Favreau, former Director of Speechwriting for Obama, and host of the Leftist ‘Pod Save America’ podcast would check the freaking date on the article he was sharing.

He was an Obama speechwriter, and professional leftist. So it’s good to question his claims.

Notice he said it was ‘happening right now’.

Clearly, it’s URGENT. We need to DOOOOOO SOMETHING.

After all, children, or possibly toddlers being held in something resembling a kennel is not a good look.

Twitter stamp says May 27, 2018, right?

We need a Fact Check in Aisle Three! Can we get a fact check?

Oh, hello there, Mr. President!

(There’s always an apropos Trump Tweet, isn’t there?)

Thank, you Mr. Favreau for the reminder to turn our attention back to the wall we haven’t gotten around to building yet.

Of course, this also means that a recent anti-Trump hit piece from the ‘respected publication’ the New Yorker also boomeranged on their beloved Obama.

The New Yorker must think Barack Obama is ALSO a Putin-esque totalitarian terrorist.

After all– respected establishments like theirs wouldn’t be ‘selectively’ criticizing political leaders, would they? Such a practice is the realm of either partisans or political hacks.

Which are they?

That’s a really good question. Don’t expect the “free” press to answer it, though. They all seem contractually bound to kiss Democrat ass. That’s why we call them Media (D).

Here’s a look at his ‘apology’.

Gorka had some fun at his expense:

Obama’s old speechwriter thought he was getting a free hit in for #TeamResistance… he had no idea that he was throwing boomerangs until after the damage was done.

Does anybody know why Obama’s administration was so mean that they would do those awful things to children? The media assures us that Democrats are all sweetness and light.

If the media was lying about that… what ELSE might they be lying about?


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K. Walker

ClashDaily's Associate Editor since August 2016. Self-described political junkie, anti-Third Wave Feminist, and a nightmare to the 'intersectional' crowd. Mrs. Walker has taken a stand against 'white privilege' education in public schools. She's also an amateur Playwright, former Drama teacher, and staunch defender of the Oxford comma. Follow her humble musings on Twitter: @TheMrsKnowItAll and on Gettr @KarenWalker