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The Unexpected Lesson Missed By Everyone In Critiquing Roseanne’s ‘Planet of the Apes’ Comment

We can quibble about whether or not Roseanne Barr was being a racist to liken Valerie Jarrett to an ape in the sci-fi classic. We can argue about the statement’s comedy value. And we can point out that Roseanne was wrong to associate Valerie with the Muslim Brotherhood.

Valerie, born in Iran and raised in Chicago, is an Iranian Shiite. The Brotherhood was born in Egypt. The Brotherhood endorsed a Sunni approach to supremacism.

Further, Valerie was incubated in communism, groomed and refined by Saul Alinsky, the Chicago organizer who dedicated his book on radicalism to Satan, arguing any crime was ok if it advanced the communist utopia, a kind of Capone approach to politics.

Therefore, a more accurate characterization of Valerie would trace her origins to the marriage of Karl Marx, the Ayatollah Khomeini, and the movie The Untouchables.

However, when Roseanne Barr referenced the movie Planet of the Apes, she may not have realized there are lessons to be learned. From an online write up about the film:

Complex sociological themes run through this science-fiction classic about three astronauts marooned on a futuristic planet where apes rule and humans are slaves. The stunned trio discovers that these highly intellectual simians can both walk upright and talk. They have even established a class system and a political structure. The astronauts suddenly find themselves part of a devalued species, trapped and imprisoned by the apes.

If Valerie and Barack get their way, humans will suffer extreme devaluation, and the Statute of Liberty will stand for nothing but wreckage.

Image: Screen shot; Fandago movie Clips;

Allan Erickson

Allan Erickson---Christian, husband, father, journalist, businessman, screenwriter, and author of The Cross & the Constitution in the Age of Incoherence, Tate Publishing, 2012.