Watch: Goggle-Eyed Hillary Goes On A Fresh Wild Video Rant About Women In Politics

She’s talking about women in politics. What a shocker.
Hillary made a video for Emerge California, a left-wing group whose goal is to increase the number of Democrat candidates from ‘diverse backgrounds’. Whoa, Nelly is this vid weird!
Not only is she wearing a heavy coat (sans scarf) in June, she’s also bug-eyed — perhaps from a too-tight back brace.
The weird part isn’t just how she looks, but what she says.
First, she says that we need more women in politics.
Then she complains about being a woman candidate.
‘You know, it’s no secret that being a woman in politics can be frustrating,’ she said.
Watch the ‘Vote For Me Because I’m A Woman’ candidate rant about women in politics:
Don’t you just wish that Hillary would go away?
Why can’t she be like Michael Dukakis and just go away?
This is a badass shirt, but guys aren’t the only ones that want to shout out THIS message.
Ladies — here’s one for you, too.
Is it just me, or is Hillary Clinton mental? In her recent, horrendous book, she blamed everyone from the moon and back for her loss in the 2016 Presidential election. She blamed Trump, hard-working Americans, sexism, self-hating women, news outlets, the ones that aren’t full of leftists, voter suppression, Russia, her own campaign staff, the DNC, campaign finance laws, the Electoral College and more. Crazy how she forgot the part that she’s a liar, she’s mental, and no one likes her.
So, rock on without her America, and get this fantastically hilarious shirt, which proclaims just how mental Hillary Clinton really is today!
And the best part? This shirt is made in the USA, printed in the USA, on an American-Made t-shirt press!