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Media Treats Some Criminals ‘More Equally’ Than Others

Accused suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Violent crimes are committed by people from all races and all ethnic groups. We are all equal in this regard. Some, it appears, are more equal than others.

That was made evident in recent days when five young white people, four men and one woman, were allegedly killed by black males. The crimes were unrelated.

• Jacob Emerson died a hero saving the life a woman from her homicidal former husband, reports say.

25-year-old Emerson had been dating the woman for a few weeks. Her former husband came calling; ax in hand. Emerson was injured and police were called. The suspect, Anthony “Angel” Darby, could not be located.

Darby returned and fatally shot Emerson. Reports say the suspect later killed himself.

Emerson was white. Darby was black.

The crime occurred in Colorado.

• 31-year-old Nathan Owens lost his life after encountering real-life black males. Owens was shot multiple times, stripped of most of his clothes, and his body dumped.

True to form, the media ignored the race of the suspects and victim. The national media largely ignored the entire crime.

Had two white thugs riddled a black man with bullets and dumped his body, the far-left media would be spinning a firestorm of hate against “racist” white people.

That, of course, never happens outside Hollywood and the fanciful thoughts of fake historians who revise history to fit the cultural Marxism narrative that whites routinely assaulted blacks for sport.

The crime occurred in Missouri.

• The national media did, however, take note when 35-year-old Sandor Szabo was fatally punched in the head.

Reports say Szabo was visiting New York City to attend a wedding. Having called Uber for a ride to his hotel, the victim tapped on the window of an SUV expecting it to be his ride.

Jamill Jones, 35, emerged from the car and punched Szabo in the head, according to reports. The victim died after his skull hit the pavement as he fell.

Jones was an assistant basketball coach at a local university. He is black. Szabo was white.
Szabo was white. Jones was black.

• Police are desperate to find four males who (allegedly) killed a 36-year-old white woman during a home invasion in Nebraska. Police are not desperate enough to disclose the race of the intruders, even though their partially-concealed images were captured on video and survivors were in the home at the time of the killing.

Security cameras at the home of Jessica Brandon captured images of the suspects as they forced their way into her home.

One black male has been arrested and two others are being sought according to recent reports after a 22-year-old white man was murdered in a skate park.

Armand van Tonder and a friend were reportedly accosted by three black males bent on robbing the two. Van Tonder was shot and died at the scene.

• Black-on-white violence transcends both geography and time.

A North Carolina woman was fatally shot as she sat in her car after a church service.

30 years later the man convicted of her murder is set to be released from prison.

James McDowell had been sentenced to death for the crime, but a technical glitch apparently altered the sentence to life behind bars.

The state’s Fair Sentence Law allows life sentences before October 1994 to be eligible for parole every few years.

McDowell had accumulated 40 prison infractions over the years for offenses including fighting, faking illness and disobeying orders, but the last incident was in 2002, according to inmate records obtained by the Associated Press.

Image: CCO Creative Commons; Excerpted from:

Kenn Daily

Kenn Gividen (aka, Kenn Daily) is the publisher of Now 64 years old, Kenn formed his conservative views at the age of 14 and was an early member of Young Americans for Freedom. He is a vociferous anti-racist but sets himself apart from most conservatives by refusing to be bullied into silence regarding racial issues. Violent black crime is a signature issue of his website. Kenn is a semi-retired business owner. He lives in Indiana with his wife of 40 years. He has two grown children -- a daughter and son -- four grandchildren, and two granddogs.