Consider Him Skeptical: Why The In And Out Burger Controversy May Be A Little Too Convenient
Remember the long lines at Chick-fil-A after the far-left boycott over homosexual privilege?
Now cashing in on the far-left (read “Democrats”) rage is In-And-Out Burger.
Democratic Party leaders called for a boycott after public records showed the California-based restaurant chain donated $25,000 to the state GOP.
How to draw copious numbers of customers? Donate $25,000 to your state Republican Party, then “leak” the public records of your contribution to the state Democratic Party. It’s not only a proven and effective public relations strategy, it’s also less expansive and more socially responsible than advertising with far-left media venues.
Alternatively, one may opt for the Chick-fil-A route by declaring your restaurant to be opposed to government mandated homosexual privilege.
And, finally, I offer this third strategy: Hire an artist to use naturally occurring, non-toxic substances to “paint” a surrealistic-looking image of The Virgin Mary on your restaurant wall and leak a photo to the media. Be sure your store is handicap accessible and wait for hordes to pour through the doors.
Image: Excerpted from: By Caroline Culler (User:Wgreaves) – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,