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Dear Christians: NO President Has Done MORE For Christianity Than Trump

An exclusive interview Trump gave to CBN let him answer questions to actually inform the public, rather than endless gotcha attempts and sparring.

They covered a lot of ground. They began with questions about how the Midterms seem to be shaping up:

Where Trump said, “I think the blue wave is dead”

They covered questions about Racism, the Caravan and catch and release:

Some of the highlights:
-Racist is what they call a Republican when he’s winning.
-There will be no catch-and-release.
-Temporary shelters will be built to house these people until they get their deportation hearing.

But Trump also said something unexpected about how his role as President has benefited Christians specifically, and religious people generally.

“They’re going to show up for me, because nobody’s done more for Christians, Evangelicals, or frankly, religion than I have. You see all the things that I’ve passed, including the Johnson Amendment and so many things that we’ve nullified…

Nobody’s done more than we have. Mexico City, take a look at that, things that frankly, until Ronald Reagan, nobody did anything. I know they’re very happy with me, we’ve seen they’re very happy, the question is whether they’re going to vote when I’m not running.

He’s not wrong.

He has been an aggressive defender of religious freedoms.

He has been unapologetic in his defense of pro-life issues.

He has been far friendlier to all forms of religious expression than the 44th President ever dreamed of being. (Then again, that’s not hard, Obama took Nuns to court over birth control.)

He believes religious freedom actually MEANS something.

That’s probably why Israel just named a train station after him… despite stupid claims that he’s somehow ‘anti-semitic’. (It’s a hell of a thing to say about the man. After all, three of his own grandkids are being raised Jewish!)

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Wes Walker

Wes Walker is the author of "Blueprint For a Government that Doesn't Suck". He has been lighting up since its inception in July of 2012. Follow on twitter: @Republicanuck