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In Response To The ‘World Leader’ Who’s Been Questioning The Existence of Jesus

Last month, Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan questioned the existence of Jesus during an event celebrating the birth of Muhammad (November 20 to be exact). Such a remark was made by Khan when he announced he was leading an international campaign to crackdown on defamation of religion, i.e. defamation of Islam.

As most of us are aware, criticism of Muhammad (or anything about Islam for that matter) is considered to be blasphemy throughout the Muslim world, and is punishable by death. In several Western nations where political correctness prevails in the name of cultural diversity, criticizing the Islamic faith is considered to be hate speech, and thus subject to fine and/or imprisonment. I have yet to hear of any incidents in the West where someone was arrested for criticizing any religion other than Islam, especially since cultural diversity is designed to encourage everyone to get along. But in the eyes of Muslims and the politically correct crowd, criticism of Islam (even if it is constructive criticism), is considered to be offensive.

But let’s focus on Khan’s questioning the existence of Jesus, in which he said that there is no mention of Jesus in history. Such a remark is odd given that Muslims regard him as a prophet. Perhaps Khan is trying to get Christians worldwide to convert to Islam. And no doubt he is upset over the acquittal of Asia Bibi after her appeal to Pakistan’s Supreme Court, after she had been sentenced to death by hanging by a lower court on the charge of blasphemy (i.e. criticizing Muhammad). Of course, the Bible is proof that Jesus did exist. But there are plenty of other sources which confirm the existence of Jesus. Such sources include the following: Antiquities of the Jews by Flavius Josephus, the Annals by Tacitus, The Twelve Caesars by Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus, a letter written by Mara Bar Serapion to his son about the crucifixion of Jesus, the Talmud, the Dead Sea Scrolls, a letter written by Pliny the Younger to Trajan, the writings of Thallus, and the Chronicles written by Phlegon of Tralles. In addition, various archaeological expeditions have proved that Jesus did exist.

Meanwhile, there was a play in Chicago titled “Christmas Mubarak” which presents the nativity from a Muslim point of view, e.g. the baby Jesus speaks and states that he is a prophet. Such a play, according to its creators, is an attempt to demonstrate how much Christianity and Islam have in common. It is unclear whether the real goal is promoting inclusiveness towards non-Christians or to promote Chrislam (a recently created faith comprised of both Christian and Muslim beliefs).

Needless to say, Khan’s remark and the Christmas Mubarak Play appear to be the latest strategy in the War on Christmas, and on Christianity as well.

Andrew Linn

Andrew Linn is a member of the Owensboro Tea Party and a former Field Representative for the Media Research Center. An ex-Democrat, he became a Republican one week after the 2008 Presidential Election. He has an M.A. in history from the University of Louisville, where he became a member of the Phi Alpha Theta historical honors society. He has also contributed to and Right Impulse Media.