LMAO: Look How Frickin’ CHEAP Bill & Hillary’s Tickets Are Going For – Ahahahahahahahaha!
An evening with Bill and Hillary Clinton just isn’t fetching the price that it used to.
The former power couple had made themselves a pretty penny selling access to — well, themselves over the years.
Forbes published an article on that fateful day of Tuesday, November 8, 2016, stating that the Clintons had managed to amass $240 million in personal fortune in the 15 years since Bill left the White House.
The money poured in. Not just to them as individuals, but also to their Foundation, which even MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski said that it appeared to be a ‘slush fund’ for the Clintons. People just kept giving them money. It was like a bottomless well.
After Hillary spent $1.2 billion to lose the election to Donald Trump and then write a sad book about her loss blaming everyone from white women who don’t think for themselves, Russian ‘hacking’, Macedonian ‘fake news’ websites, and 50 or so other reasons besides not visiting Wisconsin, it looks like that well has gone dry.
Their disastrously unpopular ‘tour’ is making that very clear.
In an editorial on Investor’s Business Daily, hilariously titled, The Clintons Are Now The ‘Spinal Tap’ Of The Political World, the article reveals just how unpopular the former President and almost President are.
Likening the Clintons to the fictional aging rock band, Spinal Tap, the author notes the scene where documentarian, Marty DiBergi (Rob Reiner) queries the band’s manager, Ian Faith (Tony Hendra) about the waning popularity of the band as their audience shrinks and they fail to book big venues. The manager, Ian, responds that it’s not the case at all — it’s that ‘their appeal is becoming more selective.‘
The 13-stop cross-country (and a few left-tilting Canadian cities) tour that failed to launch in Las Vegas for undisclosed reasons was initially reported as canceled, but it eventually began in Toronto, Canada to a pathetic crowd of around 3,300 in a venue that holds nearly 20,000. Organizers were frantically reorganizing the attendees and putting up curtains to hide the rows and rows of empty seats, as documented by New York Times columnist, Maureen Dowd.
From the Investor’s Business Daily:
It was just as well, since tickets, initially priced from around $70 to around $700, had dropped to as little as $6.
The Clinton tour is now on hiatus until next April. One wonders if they’ll just quietly cancel the whole thing.
As embarrassing as the fumbling start to this misbegotten speaking tour has been, it has served one useful purpose. It’s a reminder of why the free market works.
Prices in a free and open market provide a clear and unambiguous signal about the relative value of any item, whether it’s a watch, a car or a political speech.
The Clintons obviously thought that their pearls of wisdom were worth a lot of money. But consumers, at least so far, don’t. The price of tickets shows their real value.
And at $6 a pop, it means that people would rather spend the evening with, say, a Double Quarter Pounder with Cheese meal at McDonald’s than with the Clintons.
Source: Investor’s Business Daily
You could either go and hear Bill and Hillary speak or order a Quarter Pounder with cheese combo.
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