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WATCH: Fauxcahontas Swigs On Firewater To Appear Cool To DAFT Voters

Did you realize that Elizabeth Warren is ALSO 1/1024 social-media savvy youth?

This doesn’t seem staged by professional media handlers.

Not. At. All.

This is 100% authentic. Nothing Fauxcahontas about it at all. For sure. Watch:

Her ‘relatable’ side, you see.

You’ve got those cuts to her dog, complete with baby talk. (Seriously? Baby-talk? And you want access to the nuclear codes?)

You’ve got her telling whoever is holding the phone to hang on while she grabs a beer. She cooked dinner and took questions, too.

She’s PERFECTLY relatable. Exactly like Joe Citizen. One of the people.

Nope. She’s not an Elitist-Ivory-Tower-dwelling Harvard Professor at all. Why would you even think that?

And she’s not working too hard trying to show she’s just as ‘hip and with it’ as, say, Occasio-Cortez or Robert ‘Beto’ O’Rourke, either.

Of course, Twitter had some fun with this.

Here’s a fangirl touting the genius of it all.

Woods had a different take on it.

So, wait. Liking Beer is a GOOD thing now?

But somehow this is ‘scandalous’?

Gotta love those Democrat quadruple standards, eh?

No wonder America was ready for a change of leadership in 2016. One that could carry us through to 2020, too.

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Wes Walker

Wes Walker is the author of "Blueprint For a Government that Doesn't Suck". He has been lighting up since its inception in July of 2012. Follow on twitter: @Republicanuck