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News Clash

The Internet BLASTS ABC For Bullying 11yr. Joshua Trump Because He Dozed Off During SOTU

Have the Media(D) forgotten the reason he was invited there in the FIRST place?

Joshua Trump has had a rough ride.

So it was with Joshua Trump.

Guess what ‘issue’ he had difficulties with at school?

School life can be tough in the best of circumstances. But if, by some stroke of cruel luck, you happen to carry the same last name as the most vilified scapegoat and cartoon villain in all of Hollywood, music, news and social media — it’s going to be that much harder.

We covered his story in December.
DISGUSTING: Young Boy FORCED To Drop His Last Name ‘Trump’ Because Of Jack@sses At School

Long story short, he was pulled out of school for a year and homeschooled. Now that he’s in Middle school, they’re careful not to use his last name.

Trump invited the little guy to be among the guests at the State Of The Union, and he came.

But it WAS a stuffy political event…

Late at night…

And Joshua is an eleven-year-old boy.

To the surprise of nobody, he nodded off.

And ABC CLOBBERED him over it.

Because the kid hadn’t been through enough already.

And so did some other Blue-check jackasses.

Give your head a shake, BJ. He’s a kid.

And their hangers-on took the occasion for (yet another) cheap shot against President Trump.

Uh, sure. That story doesn’t sound made-to-order at all. No really, it probably happened.

After all, they can’t ALL be hoaxes, right?

It’s like the Left are trying to corner the market on everything that sucks.

If they want to corner the market on things that suck, let them have it.

Knock yourselves out.

We’re too busy with what’s awesome.

So, too, is our President.

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Wes Walker

Wes Walker is the author of "Blueprint For a Government that Doesn't Suck". He has been lighting up since its inception in July of 2012. Follow on twitter: @Republicanuck