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THE WITCH HUNT’S OVER: Senate Intel Chair Richard Burr, ‘No Evidence Of Collusion’ Between Trump & Russia

This is really going to tick off the Resist crowd that have been calling the President ‘Putin’s Puppet’.

One of the great things about this news is that Sen. Adam Schiff(D-CA) (aka the New Joseph McCarthy,) is going to be completely pissed off.

It’s been two years, over 200 interviews, thousands of documents, and the result?

No evidence of collusion.

Sen. Richard Burr(R-NC) gave reporters the news.

Burr told reporters Tuesday: ‘There is no factual evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.’

And NBC News confirmed the panel had found no ‘direct evidence’ of a conspiracy between the campaign and Russians, even as the Mueller probe has achieved convictions of top Trump campaign advisors and associates for lying about their Russia contacts during the campaign.

Burr, a Republican senator from North Carolina, gave a lengthy interview to CBS News last week where he said his committee staff has worked for two years, interviewed more than 200 witnesses from multiple countries and reviewed over 300,000 pages.

‘Based on the evidence to date,’ Burr said his panel could not definitively say there was collusion between Trump and the Russians.

‘If we write a report based upon the facts that we have, then we don’t have anything that would suggest there was collusion by the Trump campaign and Russia,’ Burr told the network.

Source: Daily Mail

Here’s a flashback tweet from 2018:

Here’s one from this week:

Now, after a lengthy investigation, President The Donald triumphantly tweeted:

Watch Sen. Richard Burr(R-NC) make it plain:

I hope you’re not still trying to lose some weight from the holidays — because watching the #Resist crowd choke on their repeated claims of ‘Russian Collusion’ BS right before the 2020 election is going to be so delicious, it’ll be like eating through the entire menu of The Cheesecake Factory.

President Trump even ribbed the über-left MSNBC about the news:

Does this mean that the Media(D) will stop trying to make a Trump-Putin bromance a thing?


Do you think that a little thing like the lack of evidence will stop the leftists and their #Reisist?

The fact is, the Media(D) has peddled this conspiracy theory while completely ignoring Bill Clinton’s speaking engagements in Moscow, what appears to be pay-to-play with Russia, Hillary’s role with the Steele Dossier, Fusion GPS, Perkins Coe, etc. Investor’s Business Daily reports that ‘Russian collusion’ may have occurred in the 2016 election, it was just Hillary’s camp that did it.

The Media(D) has marketed the story that President Trump is an agent of Vladimir Putin, and they’ve made money on it. This is who we’re dealing with. Do you think they’re going to give up their cash cow now that the pesky facts are getting in the way?

Besides, this is the Media(D) we’re talking about — when did facts ever stop them from pushing their narrative?

Buckle up, kiddies, the road to 2020 is going to be quite a ride!

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K. Walker

ClashDaily's Associate Editor since August 2016. Self-described political junkie, anti-Third Wave Feminist, and a nightmare to the 'intersectional' crowd. Mrs. Walker has taken a stand against 'white privilege' education in public schools. She's also an amateur Playwright, former Drama teacher, and staunch defender of the Oxford comma. Follow her humble musings on Twitter: @TheMrsKnowItAll and on Gettr @KarenWalker