MAGA: While Dems Cheer Socialism And Impeachment, The Trump Economy Sets New Records

Remember all the dire warnings from Krugman, Obama, and even Mitt Romney that Trump would collapse the economy? Well, ‘Abracadabra’ (again).
With Bernie “The Soviet” Sanders leading the pack, Democrat hopefuls are hard at work clamoring over who can tilt the furthest left to try and catch him. They’re floating (discredited) ideas like Medicare for all, Student Loan Forgiveness (i.e. taxpayer bailout), and voting rights for convicted felons — while incarcerated. They’re even ready to put a ballot in the hand of Boston Bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. ‘Mayor Pete’ almost dodged that landmine, only to step on another one when he inadvertently admitted that he thought most felons would support the Democrats. If you missed CNN’s Town Hall, here’s a clip:
Ok, well, maybe it’s more of a paraphrase. Here’s the ClashDaily summary: Clowns On Parade: CNN’s Democrat Candidate Townhall Was A Boring Dumpster Fire
And through it all, what is it Democrats so desperately want?
They want Impeachment so badly they can almost taste it. But all their hopes turned to ashes in their mouth with the Mueller Report. And that only makes Trump’s walk-on song even funnier.
What’s been happening in the real world while Democrats chase their Collusion fantasies? Oh, not much, just this:
You mean the Stock Market hit an all-time record high today and they’re actually talking impeachment!? Will I ever be given credit for anything by the Fake News Media or Radical Liberal Dems? NO COLLUSION!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 23, 2019
The S&P 500 and Nasdaq Composite rallied on Tuesday to notch record closing highs as Wall Street cheered stronger-than-expected quarterly profits from some of the largest publicly traded U.S. companies.
This is one of the busiest week of the corporate earnings season. Once the dust settles, more than 140 S&P 500 companies will have released their calendar first-quarter results.So far, the results have largely topped expectations. More than 78% of the S&P 500 companies that have reported have surpassed analyst expectations, according to FactSet data.
“Among the key companies that have reported, most of them have beaten expectations,” said Peter Cardillo, chief market economist at Spartan Capital Securities. “That means we’re probably going to escape an earnings recession. That will be key for the market to rally from here.”
Source: CNBC
Oh, yeah. This calls for a little gloating.
They may think they’re picking a fight with Trump. But it sure looks like he’s picking one with them. And their odds aren’t looking all that great these days.
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