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Trump Brings The Thunder In Epic Rose Garden Speech

With the Mueller investigation out of the way, Trump isn’t holding back what he really thinks about what the Dems are doing.

It was supposed to be a day where partisan spats were set aside, with Trump meeting with Chuck-N-Nancy to see if there was common ground to move forward on Infrastructure, an issue he has wanted to move ahead with since he was Candidate Trump.

But Nancy was much more interested in political posturing and gamesmanship. With the Mueller investigation blowing up in their faces like an exploding cigar, they’re desperate to take a political scalp. Just before the scheduled meeting, she threw a political Molotov cocktail by baselessly accusing Trump of a ‘cover-up’. As reported by CBS:

The infrastructure meeting with the president and top Democrats lasted only a few minutes, according to a person familiar with the meeting and a White House official. According to the person familiar with what happened, the president walked in, without shaking anyone’s hand or sitting down. The president, according to the person familiar, said he wanted to work on infrastructure, a trade agreement, a farm bill and more, but insisted Pelosi said something terrible and accused him of a cover-up. Mr. Trump said there wouldn’t be two tracks, according to the person familiar, and told the Democrats that once investigations are over, they can discuss other things. He then left the room before anyone could speak, according to the person familiar.
Source: CBS

Of course, Nancy tried to frame this negatively by playing the ‘Temper-tantrum’ card … again. But that’s NOT how CBS described it.

Trump followed that brief meeting with an announcement in the Rose Garden, presented here in its entirety:

He opened with this:

Trump informed Democratic leaders that he wouldn’t work with them on shared priorities such as infrastructure unless they abandoned investigations into his presidency. In an unexpected appearance in the Rose Garden, Trump said he told Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer that it would be impossible to go forward on discussions while “phony” congressional investigations hang over his administration.

“We’ve had a House investigation. We have Senate investigations. We have investigations like nobody has ever had before,” Trump told reporters after leaving the meeting on infrastructure. “And there’s nothing – we did nothing wrong.”
Source: Detroit Free Press

He broke the numbers down. All the times he bent over backward to comply with Mueller’s requests, opting NOT to invoke even Legitimate uses of privilege — in making his office, files and people available for his inquiry.

And then Trump shifted to offense, reminding the media about what still needs to be investigated, about all the Democrat ties to the Steele Dossier that remain unexamined, and how the evidence of spying against him were not even something the mainstream media found worth investigating.

So much for those crocodile tears about a ‘smooth transition of power’.

Alan Dershowitz (a Liberal Professor from Harvard who supported Hillary’s Presidental bid) wrote the following in an op-ed entiltled Are investigations of Trump the new McCarthyism?:

It is quite fair to say that back in the day, virtually all liberals and civil libertarians, led by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), wanted to impose restrictions on the power of Congress to investigate, subpoena and question individuals for partisan or ideological purposes. Now the shoe is on the other foot. It is the Democrats who are abusing their congressional investigations for partisan and ideological purposes. It is the Democrats who are putting forward the phony arguments about legislative purposes, such as the need for new laws and congressional oversight. It is the Democrats in the House who are determined to misuse their legislative power to gain advantages in the upcoming elections.

…During the 1950s, the good old ACLU would be in court challenging abuses of congressional investigatory power, but the current ACLU has one dominant agenda, which is to oppose Trump regardless of the means used and to raise large sums of money based on this agenda. So the ACLU will not side with Trump in court. It will never side with Trump in court, regardless of how abusive congressional committees may become and regardless of how many rights are violated. The ACLU is now part of the problem, not part of the solution, for this rampant abuse of civil liberties

…All civil libertarians, whether Democrat, Republican, or independent, should indeed be concerned about abuses of power by congressional committees. Today, Trump and his administration are the targets. Tomorrow, it may be Democrats. The next day, you could be the target.
Source: The Hill

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K. Walker

ClashDaily's Associate Editor since August 2016. Self-described political junkie, anti-Third Wave Feminist, and a nightmare to the 'intersectional' crowd. Mrs. Walker has taken a stand against 'white privilege' education in public schools. She's also an amateur Playwright, former Drama teacher, and staunch defender of the Oxford comma. Follow her humble musings on Twitter: @TheMrsKnowItAll and on Gettr @KarenWalker