Kathy Griffin Pouts That Her Trump Severed Head ‘Joke’ RUINED Her Career
Poor Kathy! The video of her holding a bloody severed head representing President Trump didn’t give her the fame and fortune that she was looking for.
She’s trying to cash in on it now, though.
When her ISIS-style beheaded Trump video was first published, she thought it was a hoot.
In the wake of the 2016 election, Griffin decided to join in with the teeming crowd of “stunning and brave” celebrities trashing President Donald Trump.
It didn’t work out so well for her, though. It seems that holding up the bloody severed head of the President because you didn’t like the election results is frowned upon by the millions of Americans that voted for him. Apparently, people don’t find it hilarious when you “culturally appropriate” an ISIS-style beheading video of the opposing presidential candidate just because he won. Who knew?
So, she offered a tearful apology.
She said that she not only crossed the line but that she “moved the line and then crossed it.”
Not that anyone should be surprised by her doing that since she herself told us that’s her schtick.
But getting the audience to hate you is bad for business. So she walked it back — sort of.
Almost immediately after that, she walked it back and claimed to be the victim in a presser where she essentially admitted to suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome.
After her tearful flip and tearful flop on the “joke” Griffin said that she was left “unemployable and uninsurable.”
Kathy Griffin has said she was left ‘unemployable and uninsurable’ after her infamous photo with an effigy of Donald Trump’s severed head.
The comedian said she had faced threats and been approached by a man with a knife after the 2017 stunt which made her a Hollywood pariah.
Griffin initially apologized for the stunt but later revoked that statement and now stands by the photo and insists it was free speech.
She said that she had to buy metal detectors after “a guy came at me with a knife.”
She didn’t find that funny? Weird. She thought that a bloody severed head was an absolute riot. She thought that a parody ISIS video of her beheading the president was comedy gold.
Each individual is responsible for his or her actions, and although it is completely unacceptable to threaten someone with a knife, the imagery she used was violent imagery. She shouldn’t be surprised that someone doesn’t take kindly to that. That said, I hope that guy was caught and is facing consequences for his actions.
Kathy Griffin isn’t going to sit quietly while her career goes down the drain, though.
Of course, I don’t think that Kathy Griffin could sit quietly if she tried. She seems to be in the same category of loud, obnoxious, loutish (and untalented) celebrity as Andy Dick.
Griffin has released a film about her life in the wake of the incident. Part of it was filmed on her iPhone at the peak of the scandal.
‘You can be as offended by that photo all you want, that doesn’t bother me at all,’ she said.
‘But I want people to know I didn’t break the law. If you take a photo like that, you didn’t break the law.
‘I didn’t violate the First Amendment in any way. If you take a photo like that, you didn’t violate the First Amendment in any way.’
The left is hilarious. If they didn’t have double standards, they wouldn’t have standards at all.
The same people that say that “speech is violence” are defending violent imagery as “speech” — but it’s not violent speech, you see.
Griffin wasn’t prepared for the consequences of her actions. Perhaps she didn’t recall the fate of the Missouri Rodeo Clown who dared wear an Obama mask (like he did for Presidents Reagan, Clinton, and Bush,) who was expelled from polite society and left unemployable. This was after CNN’s frequent stories and seeming targeted harassment of the man. Like this one. And this one. And this one. And, of course, this on-air commentary.
She then said that she was put under federal investigation, and even put on the no-fly list while also being ‘interrogated under oath… which has never happened in the history of this country.’
Right. Because Hillary wasn’t interrogated by the FBI under oath, Griffin must think that’s normal.
‘The President and the Department of Justice shouldn’t make you unemployable and uninsurable,’ she said.
‘I’m still on the D-list,’ she quipped, referring to the Bravo reality series that earned her two Emmy Awards.
She says that the film gets “raw” in the documentary segments which Griffin describes as, “Like ugly Kathy, no makeup, crying.”
The film will open on July 31 in 700 U.S. theatres.
So, why is Griffin doing this now?
Well, the timing for 2020 might be part of it. But, more likely, she’s trying to cash-in on her “career-ruining” event. Question: how career-ruining can it be if she’s cashing in on it? Victimhood is a very lucrative enterprise these days. Just ask the jackass in a dress harassing women to touch male genitals and filing human rights complaints when they refuse.
She’s dressing it up as “empowerment,” of course.
‘I just want people to know you don’t have to go down. You can take a few punches, but after I kick the bucket, I want somebody to go, you know that crazy red head? They got her but she didn’t go down.’
Source: Daily Mail
This is what the rest of us want to do to Kathy Griffin’s future “career”:
Some of us are still wondering how she became famous in the first place.
We’ve all seen the dishonest games the left have played with the power they’re entrusted with, they’re obviously unworthy of that trust.
But what about 2020? Could a moral person pull a lever for Trump with their integrity intact? Would Jesus himself vote for Trump? We’re glad you asked. There’s a brand new book that covers precisely that question:
“Would Jesus Vote For Trump?” by Doug Giles and Brandon Vallorani.
Would Jesus ever choose someone, with a less than stellar past, to be a leader? Would Jesus be cool with how Trump blasts CNN, The Left, and his feckless ‘compadres’ on The Right? What about Health Care? Would the Great Physician give Trump’s opposition to ObamaCare the ‘two thumbs up?’ Find out in this BEST-SELLER!
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