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Psycho Chick That Licked Tub Of Ice Cream And Put It Back Could Face Some SERIOUS Jail Time

Was the 15 minutes of internet fame worth it?

In our viral video age, is it even a full 15 minutes anymore, or is it more like 15 seconds?

Police have identified the woman who appeared in a viral video licking a tub of Blue Bell Tin Roof ice cream in a store, putting it back in the freezer, and then walking away.

In case you somehow missed it, watch the disgusting episode here:

She may have received fame on the internet, but that cellphone camera wasn’t the only one that was recording. She was identified by surveillance video as she exited the Walmart in Lufkin, Texas.

Police in Lufkin, Texas, said Wednesday they believed they had identified the frozen-treat fiend after “detectives had obtained surveillance video placing a woman matching the suspect description in the Lufkin [Walmart] on June 28 around 11 p.m,” NBC News reported.

They are waiting to verify her identity before issuing an arrest warrant on second-degree tampering with a consumer product — a felony that carries a prison sentence of 2-20 years and up to $10,000 in fines, according to the Texas state penal code.

Source: New York Post

She’s being charged with a felony, could face 20 years in prison and up to $10K in fines?


Blue Bell’s spokesperson told local station KTV-TV that the carton that had been tampered with had been located. Out of an abundance of caution, the Lufkin Walmart removed all of the Blue Bell Tin Roof flavored ice cream from the store shelves.

Blue Bell half-gallon ice cream is frozen upside down to create a natural seal so it doesn’t require a plastic seal as is found on some other ice cream brands.

Local police are now looking for the man that filmed the video and can be heard encouraging the woman by saying, “Lick it, lick it! Now, put it back.”

As with most things that are absolutely horrible, it seems that people are jumping on this bandwagon for viral fame.

Now, it’s likely that most of these things are staged, and the products were purchased by the perpetrators, but you know that there’s going to be some idiot out there that will do this for real like homegirl who is now facing 2-20.

But what’s good for the fame-seekers, is also fair game for Walmart.

At least they’re having a bit of fun with it.

Good on ’em for that.

As for the Ice Cream Licker, make sure your daughter doesn’t end up like her.’s, Editor-In-Chief, Doug Giles how-to book:

Raising Righteous & Rowdy Girls

In ‘Raising Righteous and Rowdy Girls’, Doug Giles reinforces the notion that little women don’t need to be pampered by their fathers to turn out right. And having met his beautiful daughters, I know his philosophy works. As a strong-willed woman who thinks her daddy is the greatest guy in the world, I can tell you this is a must-read for every man who hopes to earn the same title. —-S.E. Cupp Best Selling Author & Fox News Analyst

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K. Walker

ClashDaily's Associate Editor since August 2016. Self-described political junkie, anti-Third Wave Feminist, and a nightmare to the 'intersectional' crowd. Mrs. Walker has taken a stand against 'white privilege' education in public schools. She's also an amateur Playwright, former Drama teacher, and staunch defender of the Oxford comma. Follow her humble musings on Twitter: @TheMrsKnowItAll and on Gettr @KarenWalker