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News Clash

ICE ICE Baby: Here’s What Cop-Hating Open Borders Zealots AREN’T Telling You About The Raids

Have you heard about the ICE raids where 680 people were busted by ICE officials? By now you may have seen splashy pictures of kids whose mom and dad didn’t come home. But that’s NOT the whole story.

Everyone and their dog on the left are working very hard to demonize ICE agents… you know, the people that arrest, among other things, child traffickers and drug runners.

They push a sob story about ‘Trump’ heartlessly ‘separating families’, motivated solely by a spirit of cruel malevolence. And any news that would expose the lies in the narrative is conveniently overlooked and left out of the conversation… well, in the ‘Mainstream’ press, anyway.

Here’s how they covered the story:

Young children were seen crying on local news reports about being separated from their mothers and fathers.

Children of the adults detained in the raids were taken to local elementary schools until they could be reunited with extended family members.

It was the second day of school, Scott County School District superintendent Tony McGee said. Only a couple hours into the day, McGee said that they started receiving reports about what was happening.

“It’s tough, it’s the second day of school and you’re 5-years-old, and you come to school with a mom and dad and all of a sudden you get ready to go home and you don’t have one,” McGee said.

…He later added, “It is tough to see small children cry and grown adults who are worried and stricken with grief, trying to reunite those families. And so, 28 years in the business, never had an opportunity to see this and I hope we don’t again.”
Source: MSN

It was a story about law enforcement enforcing the laws of the land, right? But it was spun as a story about the HARM such law enforcement causes to innocent victims, particularly children. Any guesses why this same angle is NOT reported in, say, big busts of criminal gangs? Or even the arrests of white-collar criminals? Because they’re trying to paint a picture.

So much for any claims of having a ‘free press’. Would you like to see the REST of the story?

Does THIS sound ‘cruel’ to you?

ICE agents asked the workers when they arrived at the immigration processing center whether they had any children who were at school or child care and needed to be picked up, according to DOJ officials.

It is believed that “all children were with at least one of their parents as of last night,” they said.

“In order to make it possible for detained aliens to contact family members and address childcare issues, HSI made cell phones available for use by detained aliens to make arrangements for the care of their children or other dependents,” explained the US attorney’s office. “In addition, HSI had liaison officers working with the school districts to facilitate this process.

“As part of HSI procedures pursuant to this operation, if HSI encountered two alien parents with minor children at home, HSI released one of the parents on humanitarian grounds and returned that individual to the place from which they were arrested,” the DOJ release added. “HSI similarly released any single alien parent with minor children at home on humanitarian grounds and physically returned that person to the place where he or she was originally detained.”
Source: NYPost

And it turns out that an awful lot of those who are apprehended are also inadmissible. But yay open borders, right?


Here are some of our past stories that put the ICE situation in perspective, including the Left’s aggressive open borders stance, some of the lies that have been pushed, and (in the case of Time) outright propaganda:

Wes Walker

Wes Walker is the author of "Blueprint For a Government that Doesn't Suck". He has been lighting up since its inception in July of 2012. Follow on twitter: @Republicanuck