WATCH: California Salon Owner Says Homelessness Crisis Is Forcing Her To CLOSE Her Business

This salon owner has a message and some questions for Governor Gavin Newsom.
The epidemic of homelessness in California is negatively affecting business owners as much as it is allowing people to live on the streets.
Elizabeth Novak, who owns a hair salon in downtown Sacramento, posted a video telling the California Governor what the beginning of her workday looks like. It’s unpleasant.
She told how the vagrancy epidemic gripping the state is affecting long-standing business owners and that her shop has been broken into and she has even been attacked.
Novak, who has run her salon for 15 years, said in her social media message that she often has to clean-up urine, feces and used needles left by rough sleepers on her doorstep.
Source: Daily Mail
She expressed her concern for the homeless people living in tents in front of her business and how the progressive policies have not just left people on the streets, but have left police officers and business owners feeling helpless.
In her brutal video, she calls out Governor Newsom’s inaction and paints it as exactly what it is — lacking a hint of compassion for the people on the streets.
I want to know what are you going to do for us Californians? I’ve had a business in downtown Sacramento for 15 years – a successful business. I now have to leave my place of business, I have to close my shop.
I just want to tell you what happens when I get to work. I have to clean up the poop and the pee off of my doorstep. I have to clean-up the syringes.
I have to politely ask the people who I care for, I care for these people that are homeless, to move their tents out of the way of the door to my business.
I have to fight off people who push their way into my shop who are homeless and on drugs because you won’t arrest them for drug offenses. I have to apologize to my clients as to why they can’t get into my door because there’s someone asleep there and they are not getting the help they need.
After Novak’s video went viral, she appeared on Fox News and said that it’s not a housing problem as the left claims that it is, it’s a drug problem.
Novak faced quite a bit of backlash on social media and has had to make her Twitter account private.
Kudos to Novak for being so bold and exposing the lie that leftwing policies are more “compassionate.” It’s not compassionate to create a system where people are addicted to drugs and living on the streets and pooping on people’s steps.
The compassionate thing to do is help them with their addiction and not have people in America live in third-world conditions.
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