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WATCH: Hammerhead Shark Grabs Fish Out Of Fisherman’s Hand

Q: What happens when a 14′ shark wants to eat the fish you’ve landed?

A: You let him eat it, of course.

One fisherman was so busy removing the hook from the mouth of a 150lb tarpon he’d landed that he failed to notice an enormous shark had taken an interest in what he was doing.

Suddenly Rob Gorta had bigger concerns than getting that hook out.

It was like one of those ‘player 2 had entered the game’ gifs.

Here are a couple of those ‘player 2’ examples, for those unfamiliar with the above reference.

Well, better luck next time!

Get Doug Giles’ book, Rise, Kill and Eat: A Theology of Hunting from Genesis to Revelation today!

If a person looked to Scripture and paid particular attention to the passages within the Bible that address the topic of hunting, then they’d walk away thinking not only is hunting animals tolerated but it is endorsed by God. And that’s exactly what this little book is about: proving that God, from Genesis to Revelation, is extremely cool with hunters and hunting. I’ll go out on a biblical limb and claim right off the bat that you cannot show me, through the balance of the Bible, that the God of the Scripture is against the responsible killing and the grilling of the animals He created. ~Doug Giles
In his killer new book RISE, KILL & EAT: A Theology of Hunting From Genesis to Revelation Doug carries on with his courageous war against the lunatic fringe who dare recommend Bambi solutions to the annual production of edible wildlife. –Ted Nugent

Wes Walker

Wes Walker is the author of "Blueprint For a Government that Doesn't Suck". He has been lighting up since its inception in July of 2012. Follow on twitter: @Republicanuck