WATCH: Joe Walsh Explains Why He’s Launching Long-Shot Bid To Primary President Trump

Walsh says that he “helped create Trump” and now he regrets it.
Joe Walsh regrets a lot of things, apparently.
He regrets his tweets, insisting that Obama was Muslim as late as 2017, and helping to “create” President Trump.
The arrogance of this guy!
Imagine trying to take credit for someone who has been a pop culture icon for nearly 40 years.
Recently, Walsh appeared on ABC’s This Week with former Clinton Spin Doctor, George Stephanopoulos to discuss his campaign against President Trump.
He’s challenging Trump because it’s the “right” thing to do.
When Stephanopoulos pointed out the massive uphill climb Walsh has in front of him in the primary thanks to Trump’s overwhelmingly high approval rating within the party, the controversial former congressman argued that conservatives should have an alternative to the president.
“I’m running because he’s unfit; somebody needs to step up and there needs to be an alternative. The country is sick of this guy’s tantrum — he’s a child,” said Walsh, who was elected to the House in the 2010 Tea Party wave, but only served one term before becoming a conservative talk radio host.
Trump campaign communications director Tim Murtaugh sent ABC News a dismissive one-word response to Walsh jumping into the race: “Whatever.”
Republican National Committee Chair Ronna McDaniel told ABC News in response to Walsh’s announcement, “President Trump enjoys unprecedented support among Republicans. He has already delivered a long list of incredible accomplishments for conservatives and the country. Republicans are firmly behind the president and any effort to challenge him in a primary is bound to go absolutely nowhere.”
Source: ABC News
Walsh says that he hears from Republicans that they wish Trump wouldn’t tweet and that they’re frustrated with the pace on the conservative agenda.
Sure, the construction on the border wall has been slow, but much of that was due to RINOs in Congress and Democrats completely refusing to come to the table.
That’s apparently not good enough for former Tea Party member, Joe Walsh.
Erratic, narcissist, stokes bigotry, you can’t believe a word he says, etc. is what Walsh has said about President Trump, but you could easily say the same about Joe Walsh.
Folks on Twitter reminded him of why he’s such a terrible candidate.
Do you think one of the names under the sun will be "Muslim"?
— Cody Johnston (@drmistercody) August 25, 2019
Joe Scarborough, BIll Kristol and George Conway support Joe Walsh for President…
That's basically all you need to know…
I mean… aside from all the racist comments and being a deadbeat dad stuff. At one point he owed $117,437 in back child support!
— Tim Young (@TimRunsHisMouth) August 25, 2019
Why would Joe Walsh say something so stunning and brave.
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) August 26, 2019
Some on the left are cheering Walsh on to smear Republicans.
Really looking forward to Joe Walsh getting tons of air time!
— Waleed Shahid 🪬 (@_waleedshahid) August 25, 2019
in case you thought Joe Walsh was an alternative to ignorant racist incumbents.
— John Fugelsang (@JohnFugelsang) August 25, 2019
Can’t tell if Joe Walsh or Steve King are primarying Trump
— Evan Siegfried (@evansiegfried) August 26, 2019
But it seems that Walsh has been planning this for some time. Since 2015, in fact.
FYI Joe Walsh announced in December, 2015 at a Turning Point USA conference in West Palm Beach that he would run for president in 2020.
I just found the clip on an old drive I had stored away for years:
— Caleb Hull (@CalebJHull) August 26, 2019
This guy believes that he’s a better choice than Donald J. Trump?
You’ve got to be kidding me.
Look at what Trump has endured from the Media(D) for the past few years. They’ve called him racist, a traitor who colluded with a foreign government, a bigot, a rapist, suggested that he’s sexually involved with his own daughter, and speculated on his marriage and even his mental health. Most folks would be curled up in the fetal position crying for their mommy.
Joe Walsh would likely be rocking back and forth in a catatonic state with his eyes staring blankly at the wall.
But President Trump can somehow handle the 24/7 Media(D) outrage.
Meanwhile, Joe Walsh is an absolute joke, who has said much worse than President Trump has.
Live shot of Joe Walsh’s first campaign event:
He doesn’t have a chance.
Of course, he’s going to get a whole lot of airtime on the Media(D).
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