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VIDEO: NYPD Struggling To Arrest Robbery Suspect As Onlookers Taunt And Mock Them

What do cops have to put up with in their day-to-day interaction? They have to put up with stupidity like this.

What do we really expect when even one of our political parties spouts the lie that there is ‘systematic’ racism in the ranks of our officers?

You might expect that they get things thrown at them — like we’ve seen with the soaking and water bottles they saw earlier this summer.

You might expect they get sworn at.

You might expect they get accused of called being all kinds of racial slurs — even if they themselves are members of minority groups.

All these are, indeed, happening. And here is the cocky I’m in control and I-don’t-have-to-listen-to-you-scenario of onlookers and even the guy getting arrested. A contempt of police that leads to a willingness to resist arrest doesn’t just put the police in a bad situation, it escalates any potential danger between police and anyone they happen to be interacting with.

Even if you think about the ‘I can’t breathe’ guy himself, Eric Garner, the damage to his neck occurred during a relatively straightforward attempt to take a very large man who had decided to resist arrest to the ground. Had he not made that fateful decision to resist, he may well have still been alive today.

Of course, the fact that this happened only a few hours after Panteleo got s**tcanned for his role in precisely that arrest-gone-wrong might have something to do with why the four officers were not using any aggressive tactics to subdue the person they were arresting, it has been taken by some observers as an indicator that these cops really don’t believe the city has their back.

According to the New York Post, the recorded incident surfaced hours after NYPD Commissioner James O’Neill claimed that a police slowdown when performing routine work would not occur in response to Officer Daniel Pantaleo’s termination from the force. Reilly, a former NYPD lieutenant, points to the video as proof that NYPD cops are slowing down their responses to routine calls in the wake of Pantaleo’s firing.

“In that video, you hear the public who were filming it. They actually said, ‘Call him an ambulance.’ They all realize that isn’t what’s supposed to be done there. He is physically resisting getting put into a police car,” Reilly told the Washington Examiner. “So the arrest has not been fully effective at that time. The person is in custody, but he can’t be transported from there.”

Following the firing of Pantaleo, the officer involved in the 2014 death of Eric Garner, the president of the Police Benevolent Association, Patrick Lynch, called on “all New York City police officers to proceed with the utmost caution in this new reality, in which they may be deemed ‘reckless’ just for doing their job.”
Source: WashingtonExaminer

Here are a few other stories from the archives about what cops have to deal with at work:

Wes Walker

Wes Walker is the author of "Blueprint For a Government that Doesn't Suck". He has been lighting up since its inception in July of 2012. Follow on twitter: @Republicanuck