After Having Their ‘Higher Ground’ Trademark Rejected, The Obamas And Their Lawyers ‘Go Low’

Champions of the ‘little guy’, the rich-and-famous Obamas are in a nasty trademark fight with someone who registered his name when Barack was first running for President.
But because he’s rich and famous, and didn’t bother checking to see if the name was available before going public with his company dubbed ‘Higher Ground’, he was surprised to learn that his trademark request was denied.
What… with all your millions, you couldn’t have paid someone to look into that little detail?
So, with the judge ruling against him what did the Obamas do next? Acknowledge the error and look for a name that COULD be trademarked?
No. They played their ‘do you know who I am’ card and got lawyers involved.
Of course they would.
On Aug. 20, Barack and Michelle Obama’s Higher Ground Productions made a move to save its name. That day, the company went to the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office and demanded cancellation of someone else’s earlier trademark registration for “Higher Ground Enterprises.”
Higher Ground Enterprises is run by Hanisya Massey, who, according to her attorney Larry Zerner, is in the business of helping authors publish e-books. Her trademark is in Class 41, which includes entertainment services. Zerner says Massey has been using “Higher Ground” since 2008.
Naturally, as the Obamas came to a lucrative agreement with Netflix for films and television series, Higher Ground Productions came into conflict with Higher Ground Enterprises.
On April 10, a Trademark Examiner refused to register the Obamas’ claimed mark with a nod to the one held by Massey.
Source: MSN
But they want it now. Why does that sound familiar?
Ah, yes. Of course.
It’s almost as though they believe the world revolves around them, eh?
In a petition to cancel, the Obamas essentially allege that Massey doesn’t deserve a trademark because “Higher Ground Enterprises” wasn’t actually in use at the time of its 2016 registration. (An online search turns up some early incorporation filings, though the digital trail at least seems thin.)
Zerner says he’s outraged.
“The Obamas have known for almost a year that their Higher Ground trademark application was rejected by the USPTO because it infringed my client’s rights,” says Zerner. “Instead, of simply picking another name, the Obamas’ lawyers have now filed a meritless petition to cancel my client’s trademark so they can take it for themselves. This is really deplorable behavior. I hope that the Obamas realize that these actions are not consistent with the values they preach and that they instruct their attorneys to immediately dismiss the petition.”
Source: MSN
Poor guy… now that Obama doesn’t have any government departments to sick on people who stand in his way, he has to do it the old fashioned way, and sick his lawyers on them.
So, what happens if the judge tells him to pound sand, and dismisses the case with finality?
Will Obama try to BUY the other guy’s name? Will he give up? Or will he find some other way to pitch a fit?
We’ve all seen the dishonest games the left have played with the power they’re entrusted with, they’re obviously unworthy of that trust.
But what about 2020? Could a moral person pull a lever for Trump with their integrity intact? Would Jesus himself vote for Trump? We’re glad you asked. There’s a brand new book that covers precisely that question:
“Would Jesus Vote For Trump?” by Doug Giles and Brandon Vallorani.
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