Wacky Democrat Hopeful Marianne Williamson Says The Left LIES, Is MEAN And ‘Overly SECULARIZED’

She’s come to some startling realizations about the left and you just might AGREE with her.
Marianne Williamson already has some fans on the right because she’s such an offbeat candidate. Some figure that the 2020 Democrat candidates are so weak that her nutty ramblings are kind of refreshing.
Although she’s running what seems to be a Presidential campaign filled with the same sorts of tropes and clichés that you find in self-help books, and she’s quite a longshot candidate, surprisingly, what she is saying is actually resonating with some voters.
She taps into something deeper in politics that isn’t just policy positions. There’s a certain appeal that some politicians have — Trump has it, so did Obama; Hillary clearly didn’t. She says that President Trump isn’t a normal politician, he’s a phenomenon, and the only way to beat him is with another phenomenon.
Marianne Williamson often speaks in New Age-y terms of “dark psychic forces” and harnessing “love” to improve the United States.
She wants to start a Department of Peace to promote a “culture of peace.”
If we want to transform a culture of violence, we’ll have to commit to the creation of a culture of peace. Read my op ed in today’s Washington Post.https://t.co/YaeoxNa8l7 pic.twitter.com/umFHM3ateY
— Marianne Williamson (@marwilliamson) September 2, 2019
It’s a bit weird, and people aren’t exactly sure what she’s talking about, but it sounds pretty good to some folks.
She’s not without controversy, however.
She promoted anti-vaxxer theories on her radio show in 2012. She has now said that she is “pro-vaccination, pro-medicine, and pro-science.”
She also says some things that get skewed way beyond what she actually claims.
She was criticized for saying that clinical depression is only diagnosed as such because someone in a clinic said it was depression. Really, she was railing against the overdiagnosis of depression and the overmedication of people with depression by some medical professionals.
Recently, she said in an interview that she was shocked at how “mean” the left can be and how much they lie. She thought that meanness and lying were what people on the right did.
Williamson sat down with New Yorker editor David Remnick for a wide-ranging podcast conversation, in which she also denied being an anti-vaxxer. She was asked about her plan to take on President Trump with kindness and the politics of “love,” as well as the reception her campaign has gotten.
“I know this sounds naïve,” Williamson said. “I didn’t think the left was so mean. I didn’t think the left lied like this. I thought the right did that, I thought we were better.”
Williamson said “the haters in this country have been collectivized for political purpose” and added that liberal New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof would have been her ideal secretary of state before he condemned her candidacy.
“But then I read that he can’t stand me, so he probably wouldn’t want to work for me,” Williamson said.
Source: Fox News
HuffPo journalist, Yashar Ali, posted a tweet with a screenshot of one of Williamson’s deleted tweets, and boy, did it start something!
Marianne Williamson has deleted this tweet pic.twitter.com/YdLRD7UfoZ
— Yashar Ali 🐘 (@yashar) September 4, 2019
She was dragged by many for suggesting that people could use the “power of the mind” to turn away hurricane Dorian from landfall in Florida.
The deleted tweet focused more on the power of the mind, but some of her other tweets were about prayer in particular.
Praying for people in the Bahamas during this very difficult time. A hurricane is such a terrifying experience. May all be blessed and comforted.
— Marianne Williamson (@marwilliamson) September 4, 2019
Williamson’s New Age-y view of prayer is the focusing of the power of the mind for a desired outcome and not the Christian view of communion with Holy God.
Prayer is a power of the mind, and yes it is often for the purpose of a desired outcome. Semantics doesn’t change that.
— Marianne Williamson (@marwilliamson) September 4, 2019
But it’s interesting that Williamson recognizes that Democrats tend to disdain faith.
Prayer is a power of the mind, and it is neither bizarre nor unintelligent. People of faith belong in the Democratic Party, and will be necessary to the effort if we’re to win in 2020.
— Marianne Williamson (@marwilliamson) September 4, 2019
I was born and raised in Texas so I’ve seen it. Millions of people today are praying that Dorian turn away from land, and treating those people with mockery or condescension because they believe it could help is part of how the overly secularized Left has lost lots of voters.
— Marianne Williamson (@marwilliamson) September 4, 2019
When I was growing up there was a vital religious Left. It is BECAUSE of my spiritual views that I’m a Democrat. The idea that religious or spiritual people should find no home in the Democratic Party is hardly the view of someone wanting to win in 2020.
— Marianne Williamson (@marwilliamson) September 4, 2019
A spiritual perspective is simply the path of the heart. It has nothing to do with the separation of church and state.
— Marianne Williamson (@marwilliamson) September 5, 2019
She’s not wrong on most of this.
Williamson has noted there is a distinct gap of spirituality on the left.
She’s not the only one to notice this.
Mayor Pete Buttigieg is trying to fill into this faith vacuum, but it’s not working well for him.
Clearly, it’s the difference in their approach that has been making the difference.
Buttigieg’s message is negative rather than positive.
Buttigieg uses religion as a cudgel to attack believers that disagree with his policy prescriptions by calling them disingenuous in their faith, whereas, Williamson attempts to focus on the positivity of faith — peace, love, and unity.
The vast majority of Americans profess to be people of faith. That’s why many get rankled when secularized leftists mock “thoughts and prayers” in the wake of senseless violence, natural disasters, and any time human despair is so great that we must reach for something higher than ourselves.
Prayer can unite us, and remind us that despite some of the differences on how to get there, we all want to live in freedom and peace.
Marianne Williamson gets it. She just seems to be going the wrong way about it.
Still, she should be applauded for recognizing the problem and standing up for people of faith against the mockery and snideness of the “overly secularized” left.
She’s reaching back to try to reach some left-leaning people of faith that have been alienated by the increasingly secularized Democratic Party.
After receiving word that the D-Day invasion had begun, President Franklin Roosevelt went on the radio to inform the nation and lead them in prayer. https://t.co/R5GMdW27le
— Marianne Williamson (@marwilliamson) September 5, 2019
Whether you agree with her or not, what she’s doing is pretty interesting from a cultural perspective. It’s very telling how out of touch with everyday Americans so many Democrats are.
We’ve all seen the dishonest games the left have played with the power they’re entrusted with, they’re obviously unworthy of that trust.
But what about 2020? Could a moral person pull a lever for Trump with their integrity intact? Would Jesus himself vote for Trump? We’re glad you asked. There’s a brand new book that covers precisely that question:
“Would Jesus Vote For Trump?” by Doug Giles and Brandon Vallorani.
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