DC Grinds To A Halt As Climate Protesters Clog The Streets

Cue all the jokes about nothing getting done there anyway…
The entire goal of their operation was to — literally — shut down the city.
The protest, dubbed “Shut Down DC,” targeted busy intersections across the capital, as well as Farragut Square in downtown Washington, Columbus Circle near the Union Station train terminal, and Folger Park on Capitol Hill.
Activists attending the protest aimed to “disrupt the systems that created and perpetuate the climate crisis,” organizers wrote on a Facebook page dedicated to the climate strike.
“One thing we’ve learned is that shutting down a city is a very effective way to communicate the gravity of the climate crisis,” said Kaela Bamberger, a spokeswoman for Extinction Rebellion DC, which is one of about two dozen groups participating in the protest.
Source: NYPost
This is one group asserting a right to deliberately limit the freedom of movement of others. Let’s hope no ambulances or fire trucks get caught up in their deliberate traffic snarls.
“We know that this shutdown will cause massive disruption to people who bear little responsibility for the climate catastrophe we are facing,” the group said on its website. “But we will also cause massive disruption for politicians, huge corporations and the lobbyists who control our government. We need to fundamentally change the power structure of the United States if we want to stop the climate crisis, and shutting down DC is a big step in the right direction.”
Police could be seen at K and 16th Streets NW where a few dozen protesters had placed a pink sailboat in the middle of the intersection, christening it the “Extinction Rebellion.”
Shut Down D.C. was live streaming the protest on YouTube showing demonstrators waving flags and holding banners saying “ROAD CLOSED CLIMATE EMERGENCY.”
Source: ABC News
They’re making some very specific demands.
The group said it was calling for passage of a Green New Deal, which focuses on increased use of renewable energy and slowing greenhouse gas emissions.
They also want 50 percent or more of the world’s lands and oceans protected by governments, a stop to deforestation, and a “clean future” that benefits everyone.
Demands a co-founder of GreenPeace said would kill people en masse.
They pulled some of their usual tricks, this time they had a twist — parking a boat in the intersection of a busy street and handcuffing themselves (hands in tubes, of course) to and around this big yellow boat with one of the ‘corporate’ slogans of a protest group painted on it.
They’re pretty up-front about their opposition to Capitalism and pipelines.
Can they even comprehend the REAL-life impact their policies will have on ACTUAL individuals?
We’ve already reported on what the opposition to Pipelines could do to endanger New York — THIS winter: Are Anti-Pipeline Eco-Nazis Putting New York Lives At Risk?