MEETING OF THE MINDS: Maxine Waters Tells Chris Cuomo That There Is Enough Evidence For Impeachment (VIDEO)

Rep. Maxine Waters(D-CA) has determined that the President is exactly who she has assumed he has been.
What. A. Shocker.
Yesterday, Rep. Maxine Waters appeared on CNN’s Cuomo Prime Time and said that there is no question that the President should be impeached.
The Congresswoman who has been chanting “Impeach 45!” for the past 3 years says that it’s clear that there is enough to move forward with impeachment.
Rep. Waters says, “Well, I have, for a long time, paid a lot of attention to this President — even before the inauguration of the President. [I have] Watched him very closely during his campaign, and I decided, based on everything that he revealed about himself, that he was someone with a flawed character, and that he was not deserving of the presidency and that he was going to be a problem. And so, he has turned out to be everything I suspected he would be, and he has dishonored the office of the presidency. And so, with all of this new revelation about his conversation with the President of Ukraine, it rings true.”
Cuomo asks, “Do you think that you know enough at this point, Congresswoman, to say there is enough here for articles of impeachment?”
“Absolutely,” responds Rep. Waters.
Her evidence is simple — he admitted that he had a conversation with the President of Ukraine and that he spoke to him about Biden. Waters says that she believes that what has been alleged by others about the conversation is true — that President Trump was looking for dirt on Biden.
It looks like it was the day for Chris to have the shared Cuomo brain, so he pushed back a bit on her claim suggesting that there could have been no other reason for President Trump to ask about Biden. Cuomo says that it could have been a conversation about the integrity of U.S. elections and possible Ukraine interference or corruption in general.
Waters dismisses that and says that that suggestion would be “out of character for this president” and then said that President Trump has refused to denounce Russian President Vladimir Putin. She says that the phone call was a way for President Trump to encourage election interference by attempting to dig up dirt on Biden.
CUOMO: "Do you think you know enough at this point, congresswoman, to say there is enough here for articles of impeachment?”
WATERS: “Absolutely.”
CUOMO: “Already?”
WATERS: "The president himself admitted that he had a telephone conversation with the president of Ukraine."— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) September 27, 2019
At one point, Rep. Waters says that the President encouraged violence against people who opposed him at his rallies.
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Rep. Waters is saying that the whistleblower complaint, which is essentially hearsay and rumor about the phone conversation between President Trump and President Zelensky is so damning that shows the need for impeachment.
With the White House releasing the unredacted transcript of the call, the American public knows more today about the conversation in question than the whistleblower did when the complaint was filed.
As Cuomo said, it wasn’t the smoking gun that Democrats hoped it was. Otherwise, Rep. Adam Schiff(D-CA) wouldn’t have had to create an entire dramatic rendering of the transcript, he would have just read it.
Of course, back in 1998, she had a very different view of the impeachment of President Clinton. She thought that was “driven by hatred.”
FLASHBACK: Maxine Waters had a very different idea of impeachment when it happened to Bill Clinton, saying that Republicans hated "Bill and Hillary Clinton so much they will stop at nothing to bring him down."
— MRCTV (@mrctv) September 26, 2019
You can Fredo Cuomo’s entire segment with “Mad” Maxine here:
- WATCH: Did Cuomo’s Hit Piece On Trump Boomerang & Throw Biden/Obama Under The Bus?
- WATCH: Mad Maxine Reminds Us All Why Putting A Gavel In Her Hand Was A Bad Idea
- WATCH: Trump Blasts Maxine Waters’ And It’s Frickin’ Hilarious!
- Maxine Waters Just Out Maxine Watered Herself With The Stupidest Comment Ever About Trump