Second Amendment: Open Carry Bro Has THIS Happen At Walmart… Will YOU Still Shop There?

Hey, lawful gun owners? Do you still feel welcome in Walmart after seeing this?
Here’s a video of what happened to one Walmart shopper when staff noticed a gun on his hip.
No, he didn’t threaten anyone with it.
No, he didn’t draw attention to it.
No, he wasn’t rude or unruly.
He was just pushing his cart through the store as he shopped.
No less than SEVEN officers came up to him to address their concerns — which anyone who has shopped there and looked for even ONE employee to help with a question will find nothing short of astonishing — and had this to say to the customer:
Instead of going to Walmart, people will sit in their house where they are safe with their firearms and order from Amazon.
— Amy Kremer (@AmyKremer) September 15, 2019
(Notice the care he took when the officer returned his gun to him, how he checked it before reholstering it. A sure sign of him being a dangerous renegade, if ever there was one, eh?)
He complied with everything the officers asked of him.
He was told that carrying a gun on his hip like that was NOT a violation of any law, but he was STILL being given formal notice that he was never again to shop there, or at any other Walmart nationwide.
When he asked whether he could at least pay for the items he already had in his cart he was flatly told ‘no’.
We can’t help but wonder — seeing how the Left straight-up HATES Walmart — this seems a strange position to take. It’s not like the Wal-mart hating Leftists will suddenly flock to Walmarts, will they? After using them as a corporate whipping-boy for as long as they have, and petitioning ‘blue’ neighborhoods NOT to grant building permits to Walmarts?
It certainly wasn’t LEFTISTS those texts had in mind when they talked about being able to ‘smell’ them.
What do you think? Is this a proportional and justified response to an open-carry gun owner?
Or is this the kind of offensive reaction that will make you think twice before shopping there in the future?