TECH TYRANNY: Dr. Epstein Claims Google Shifted A MINIMUM Of 800,000 Votes To Dems In 2018 (VIDEO)

Is Big Tech manipulating people to vote the way that Silicon Valley wants them to vote?
Research psychologist Dr. Robert Epstein, a Democrat, told Mark Levin that he can’t prove what Big Tech is doing, but the results are clear: votes are being shifted in favor of Democrats.
It’s either that or it’s the most incredible coincidence that multiple auto-fill search suggestions and the top results for the search terms were biased towards Democrats — but only on Google’s search engine but not Bing or Yahoo.
That’s quite the coincidence, don’t you think?
On Sunday, Dr. Epstein says that Google says that search results are “organic” and he calls that nonsense. He asserts that Google manipulates the algorithms and have “complete control” over what we see.
Dr. Epstein says that the seemingly innocuous “Go Vote” graphic gave at least 800,000 votes to Democrats in the 2018 midterm elections.
He says that this is a massive problem because people don’t realize that they are being manipulated.
Here is the specific claim about the “Go Vote” graphic:
Conservatives and right-leaning news organizations have been under attack by Big Tech since 2016, and it’s not going to let up.
Thanks to Dr. Epstein, this bias is being exposed by someone that is on the Left.
That’s because he understands that freedom and democratic institutions are to be defended.
Do we really have free speech if people are kicked off of the new “public square”?
Do we really have free and fair elections if voters are subconsciously manipulated by Big Tech?
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