Watch What Happens When Hong Kong Protesters Have Tear Gas Lobbed At Them

While Antifa chucks milkshakes of dubious origin, and lobs bottles of urine at police, Hong Kong protesters prove they’re working on a far higher level.
No wonder these guys in Hong Kong PRAISE our flag and sing our anthem. They’re obviously far more intelligent than your average astroturfed protester-for-hire.
Rather than simply lob a tear gas canister back at the police like the slobs at Antifa would, these protesters kicked it up a notch.
The protesters picked up the cannister and…
Hong Kong protesters are grabbing the CS Gas grenades fired at them by Chinese state enforcers and rendering them useless in liquid nitrogen canisters. This is what happens when you have chemistry grads fighting against tyranny.
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) September 2, 2019
… simply neutralized it.
That’s just a little different from what we’ve been seeing over here, isn’t it?
One other detail to note: It would have made a great story if it really WAS liquid nitrogen.
But in the interest of accuracy, we’ve gotta tell you, the reality of their remedy is slightly more pedestrian.
The badass protester in this video wrote me saying:
“I have to say inside the bottle is just mud and I dig it under a tree. Liquid nitrogen will explode.”
I apologize for sharing incorrect info originally. Please help get the right info out.
— Stop Cop City (@JoshuaPHilll) September 3, 2019
Of course, that doesn’t change the fact that he ‘got the job done’ in a really simple and straightforward way… WITHOUT attacking the police.
- Watch Trump Hater Get Shot In The Balls With Tear Gas And Try Not To Love It
- Who REALLY Understands Old Glory & The Anthem — These Hong Kong Protesters, Or the Kaepernick Clones?
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