BIDEN DENIED: Former VP Refused Communion At Sunday Mass — Here’s The 411

Biden, who claims to be a lifelong Catholic, was in for a surprise at Sunday mass in South Carolina.
His claims of being a lifelong Catholic are tough to square with his policies. And one priest, who takes his calling seriously, called Biden on it
He obviously understands that the Sacrament of Holy Communion is not to be taken lightly.
1 Cor 11:29 — “For anyone who eats and drinks, without discerning the body, eats and drinks judgement on himself.
Biden, a lifelong Catholic, stopped by Saint Anthony Catholic Church in Florence on Sunday, but was denied Holy Communion by Father Robert E. Morey, local newspaper the South Carolina Morning News reported.
“Sadly, this past Sunday, I had to refuse Holy Communion to former Vice President Joe Biden,” Father Morey told the newspaper in a statement.
“Holy Communion signifies we are one with God, each other and the Church. Our actions should reflect that. Any public figure who advocates for abortion places himself or herself outside of Church teaching.”
“I will keep Mr. Biden in my prayers,” Morey said in the statement.
Source: Fox News
Joe went pandering and… whoops! That didn’t work out so well.
Father Robert E. Morey of Saint Anthony Catholic Church confirmed Monday afternoon that he had denied the presidential candidate Holy Communion because of his stance on abortion. Biden, a lifelong Catholic, had attended the church’s 9 a.m. Mass.
…In communion, parishioners receive the Holy Eucharist, a wafer and wine that when consecrated become the body and blood of Jesus, according to Catholic doctrine. In order to receive it, a Catholic must be in the state of grace, have gone to confession since his or her most recent mortal sin, have a belief in the doctrine of transubstantiation (a belief that the wafer and wine become the body and blood of Jesus), observe the Eucharistic fast and not be under censure.
“Sadly, this past Sunday, I had to refuse Holy Communion to former Vice President Joe Biden,” Morey told the Morning News via email. “Holy Communion signifies we are one with God, each other and the Church. Our actions should reflect that. Any public figure who advocates for abortion places himself or herself outside of Church teaching.”
Morey said that as a priest, it is his responsibility to minister to those souls entrusted to his care and that he must do so in even the most difficult situations.
“I will keep Mr. Biden in my prayers,” Morey added.
Source: SCNow
Honestly, seeing has the Obama administration had been in an open war with the Catholic Church’s most central moral positions, we’re almost surprised he even has the audacity to show up in a Catholic Church.
Almost, that is, because we’re keenly aware of some other high-ranking alleged Catholics, who never quite seem to get the same stiff-arm for the sacrament.
Kudos to Father Morey who remembered his first loyalty is to the eternal power, not the temporal one!
May all of our pulpits, across the denominations, again be filled with ministers with such an attitude.
You never know… it just might change the world.
We’ve all seen the dishonest games the left have played with the power they’re entrusted with, they’re obviously unworthy of that trust.
But what about 2020? Could a moral person pull a lever for Trump with their integrity intact? Would Jesus himself vote for Trump? We’re glad you asked. There’s a brand new book that covers precisely that question:
“Would Jesus Vote For Trump?” by Doug Giles and Brandon Vallorani.
Would Jesus ever choose someone, with a less than stellar past, to be a leader? Would Jesus be cool with how Trump blasts CNN, The Left, and his feckless ‘compadres’ on The Right? What about Health Care? Would the Great Physician give Trump’s opposition to ObamaCare the ‘two thumbs up?’ Find out in this BEST-SELLER!
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