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CLASH POLL: Nancy Pelosi Says That She Prays For President Trump’s Mental Health — Do YOU Believe Her?

Speaker Pelosi says that she is praying for the President’s mental health and she tells him so. Do you think she’s being honest?

After a bipartisan White House meeting to discuss the situation with Turkey and the Kurds on Wednesday, both Nancy Pelosi and President Trump went after each other as being unhinged.

Pelosi and other Democrats stormed out of the meeting and immediately spoke to the Press saying that she regularly prays for the President and is now imploring everyone to pray for his mental health because he had a “very serious meltdown.”

Presumably, she did this because she and President Trump had a heated exchange over who it was that disliked ISIS more and during which he complained that she was using the Kurds — whom Democrats hadn’t regarded before — as a political move because she is ever the politician. She countered that she wished he would act as a politician sometimes, and he allegedly called her a “third-rate” politician.

A senior Democratic aide told Fox News that Trump began the meeting, which was ostensibly called by the White House, by remarking that “someone wanted this meeting so I agreed to it.”  Trump also reportedly told Pelosi, “I hate ISIS more than you do,” prompting Pelosi to respond, “You don’t know that.”

Trump then remarked, according to the senior source: “President Obama drew a red line in the sand [in Syria].  In my opinion, you are a third-grade politician.” (Schumer, D-N.Y., told reporters he heard Trump use the term “third-rate politician.”)

Pelosi forcefully reminded Trump that the House had recently overwhelmingly voted to condemn his Syria policy, the source said.

She also told Trump, “All roads with you lead to Putin,” according to the source.

Source: Fox News

So, she stormed out of there like an angry third-grader and said this:

President Trump responded on Twitter with a request to pray for Nancy after what he called a “total meltdown” during the meeting.

Competing prayers, competing meltdowns… politics is certainly stupid in 2019, but at least it’s entertaining.

Third-graders might be more mature and civil than the huffy Democrats taking their toys and stomping their feet on their way home.

The Media(D) was so excited about Nancy Pelosi’s call for prayers, which is weird because the normally mock the offering of “thoughts and prayers.” Perhaps this is ok since it’s clearly prayer without any thought whatsoever.

Regular folks, however, weren’t buying it.

Others saw it as a threat:

Where do you fall on this one?

K. Walker

ClashDaily's Associate Editor since August 2016. Self-described political junkie, anti-Third Wave Feminist, and a nightmare to the 'intersectional' crowd. Mrs. Walker has taken a stand against 'white privilege' education in public schools. She's also an amateur Playwright, former Drama teacher, and staunch defender of the Oxford comma. Follow her humble musings on Twitter: @TheMrsKnowItAll and on Gettr @KarenWalker