Drunk Vegan Pranked With Real Nuggets, Presses Charges On Her Now Ex-Friends

What’s even crazier is that people can’t even agree if she over-reacted or not.
It’s a crazy story, here’s the set-up.
We’ve got a life-long vegan who hasn’t eaten meat since she was, what, three or four years old. That’s hw she tells it, anyway.
This was in reaction to realizing where meat came from, and she just couldn’t stomach that hard reality… so to speak.
Skip ahead a couple of decades, and she’s now 24 years old. She and her buddies get together and she gets loaded.
‘White girl wasted’ she called it. Which led to her buddies pranking her with a taste of real meat. They may have thought it was a funny or harmless prank. She did not.
We note that if she was loaded, she probably wasn’t the only one. Rather than taking responsibly for getting irresponsibly drunk, she’s pointed the finger of blame and is pressing charges.
The friends assured her it came from a package of vegan nuggets.
‘They tasted off to me but I figured it was just because I was drunk. I was wrong,’ the alleged victim confessed.
The woman said her sister messaged her a day later telling her to check her friend’s Snapchat story, which featured a video of her friends showing the chicken nuggets’ packaging before convincing her to eat them.
Later the pranksters mocked their alleged victim by pretending to be her – after finding out she’d eaten meat.
‘[They were doing] things like fake crying and yelling “the CHICKENS!!!”‘ the user wrote.
But the self-described vegan captured the video using her phones screen recording function before taking it to police.
‘Now 3 of my (ex) friends are facing charges,’ she said.
Source: DailyMail
Hard to say who the sadder example is… this chick who got loaded, ate perfectly safe meat, and is pressing ‘food tampering’ charges over it, or the boneheads in the comment section eager to see her former friends rot in hell for it.
The Effeminization Of The American Male
by Doug Giles
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