GEN FLYNN: Evidence Is Mounting To Have His Case THROWN OUT — Here’s Why

`We are seeing specific allegations of intentional government malfeasance involving a VERY familiar cast of characters.
Democrats LOVED gloating over General Flynn as ‘proof positive’ of the ‘corruption’ and ‘Russian ties’ within the ranks of the Trump campaign.
Many conservatives never bought it for a minute. We chalked it up to a good man being railroaded by a system looking to take some political scalps.
Now that he’s got himself a new defense lawyer, some pretty serious prosecutorial irregularities have come to light.
Do you happen to see any familiar names here? We sure do!
Because this Twitter personality did such a wonderful job of laying out the case, we’ll let the tweets speak for themselves, and expand the attached photos for ease of reading.
BREAKING – new @SidneyPowell1 filing in the Flynn case.
Lisa Page edited the Flynn 302.
James Clapper told WaPo reporter Ignatius to basically "take the kill shot on Flynn"
cc @KerriKupecDOJ
— Techno Fog (@Techno_Fog) October 25, 2019
Included: new Page/Strzok texts.
Discussion between Lisa Page and Peter Strzok re: editing the Flynn 302.
Strzok to Page: "I made your edits"
Also discussion of misleading leadership re: picking up 302.
— Techno Fog (@Techno_Fog) October 25, 2019
New Page/Strzok texts also include this post-Flynn interview analysis of Strzok.
This appears to confirm they left the interview thinking Flynn didn't lie.
— Techno Fog (@Techno_Fog) October 25, 2019
Manipulation of the Flynn 302 — two weeks after the interview. (1/24/17 vs 2/10/17; timeline key.)
Agent notes say Flynn wasn't sure he spoke to Kislyak on the UN vote.
The 302 says different.
— Techno Fog (@Techno_Fog) October 25, 2019
More on the 302: They added Kislyak's description of any Russian response to a request from Flynn.
Powell: "That question and answer do not appear in the [agent] notes"
— Techno Fog (@Techno_Fog) October 25, 2019
For anyone paying attention… this next detail is HUGE. It might also help explain why Durham’s investigation is now a criminal investigation.
Identification of the (felony) leaker of the Flynn-Kislyak call?
ONA Director Col. James Baker "is believed to be the person who illegally leaked the transcript of Mr. Flynn's calls to Ignatius"
— Techno Fog (@Techno_Fog) October 25, 2019
THAT’s a question we have wanted an answer to for the LONGEST time, what with it being a FELONY and all.
There’s more still!
The Flynn 302 doesn't even match the FBI Agents' notes.
Agent Notes: "I don't remember making 4-5 calls."
302: "Flynn remembered making four to give calls that day about this issue."
— Techno Fog (@Techno_Fog) October 25, 2019
As you read this next piece, remember that everything Flynn went through was because he ‘lied to the FBI’.
Lisa Page lied to the DOJ about her edits to the Flynn 302.
"Page didn't recall whether she took part in editing the FD-302"
Upon seeing her texts, she "believes she must have seen it at some point…"
— Techno Fog (@Techno_Fog) October 25, 2019
Read the full motion here:
And follow Flynn attorney @molmccann – who I'm certain has been valuable to Sidney and Gen Flynn throughout this matter.
— Techno Fog (@Techno_Fog) October 25, 2019
And special thanks to ‘Techo Fog’ for walking us through the particulars of why this Flynn case looks so VERY much like it was a set-up from Day One.
CNN hasn’t got a very good track record of picking legal analysts, have they?
Oh well, if Brennan’s lawyer tells him to lay off the TV appearances for awhile, CNN can always give the Mooch a booster seat and get their anti-Trump fix from him.