Illegal Alien Accused Of Rape Was Permitted To Revisit Accuser… Despite ICE Detainer

Who are they REALLY protecting here, law-abiding citizens, or those who would prey upon them?
There is a reason the right needs to start talking about the bogus compassion of the Left on immigration issues. They deliberately misrepresent and distort one issue ‘separating children’ to drive a narrative, which could be resolved in a heartbeat by lawmakers disincentivizing illegal crossings.
But rather than solve that issue, they are endangering untold numbers of law-abiding Americans, exposing them (due to ‘Sanctuary City’ policy) to the threats from the worst sort of criminals.
Case in point, rather than executing the ICE detainer, these heroes of the oppressed just allowed an accused rapist to return (immediately) to the home of his accuser… where he was re-arrested the SAME DAY he had been released.
Good job, Oklahoma, way to inspire confidence in the system.
Local authorities arrested Antonio Ulises Perez, a 38-year-old illegal alien from El Salvador, in Oklahoma County in September on the suspicion that he raped a woman. However, the Oklahoma County Sheriff’s Office did not honor a detainer request ICE lodged and allowed him to be released Wednesday, according to a Thursday ICE press release. Ulises Perez then immediately traveled to the woman’s house, ICE said.
“It is unconscionable that someone who is sworn to uphold the law would find it acceptable to release an alleged rapist who is illegally present in the U.S. back into the community when there are other options available under federal immigration law,” Marc Moore, the field office director for ICE Dallas, said in a statement Thursday.
“Within a few hours of being released, this illegal alien was back at the home of the rape victim where he was free to re-victimize her and harm other members of the community. Fortunately, ICE deportation officers were able to quickly locate this individual and safely take him back into custody,” Moore continued.
Source: DailyCaller
Looking at the details of his release, it looks like they were TRYING to make it as difficult as possible for ICE to collect him. Note the time of his release:
On Sept. 30, Ulises Perez was arrested by the Oklahoma City Police Department (OCPD) on suspicion of rape. On Oct. 8, ICE interviewed Perez in person, and lodged an immigration detainer with the OCSO, advising them to transfer custody of Ulises Perez to ICE in the event that he was scheduled to be released from local custody. Pending further investigation, OCPD was unable to continue to detain this individual and processed him for release. On Oct. 9 at approximately 3 a.m., the active detainer was not honored, and the OCSO released Ulises Perez from the Oklahoma County Jail. ICE
One hour was insufficient time for ICE to arrive and arrange the prisoner transfer.
Was this just a ‘fluke’? Nope.
Unfortunately, this is not an isolated event. Over the past few months ago, Oklahoma County has routinely failed to honor ICE detainers by releasing criminal aliens back into the local community before ICE has the opportunity to take custody.
“It is unconscionable that someone who is sworn to uphold the law would find it acceptable to release an alleged rapist who is illegally present in the U.S. back into the community when there are other options available under federal immigration law,” said Marc Moore, field office director for ICE Dallas. “Within a few hours of being released, this illegal alien was back at the home of the rape victim where he was free to re-victimize her and harm other members of the community. Fortunately, ICE deportation officers were able to quickly locate this individual and safely take him back into custody.” — ICE
The President took time out of his address to the UN General Assembly to explain why open-borders is NOT the compassionate option. Here’s a taste, but we’ll include the link to the whole thing below it.
The receiving countries are overburdened with more migrants than they can responsibly accept and their migrants themselves are assaulted, exploited and abused by vicious coyotes. Nearly 1/3 of women who make the journey north are sexually assaulted along the way. Yet here in the United States and around the world, there is a growing cottage industry of radical activists and NGO’s that promote human smuggling.
These groups encourage illegal immigration and demand erasure of national borders.
Today I have a message for those open-border activists who cloak themselves in the rhetoric of social justice: Your policies are not just, your policies are cruel and evil. You are empowering criminal organizations that prey on innocent men, women and children. You put your own false sense of virtue before the lives and well-being of countless innocent people. Wen you undermine border security, you undermine human rights and human dignity.