LMAO: Halloween Hashtag, ‘Costumes That Shouldn’t Be Sexy’ (PICS)

Why would ANYONE think any of these was a good idea?
There is a weird trend of Halloween costumes taking the most ordinary or mundane of ideas or personalities and turning it into a ‘sexy’ costume.
Hardly anyone objected when they rolled out ‘sexy pirates’ or ‘sexy nurses’, but now that Pandora’s box has been opened, when will the madness stop?
Some of these costumes shouldn’t work, but look pretty good whether we like it or not — others aren’t ‘sexy’ so much as a cry for help. Here’s a sampling.
‘Sexy hazmat suit’.
Keep you safe? Ya, sure. I mean… you *probably* have nothing to worry about.
Hazmat – that's not gonna protect you from anything. 😂 pic.twitter.com/eiWSSp6cTf
— Just Erin 🍷🦄 (@ErinBode) October 21, 2019
Nuns. Predictable? Sure, but it certainly qualifies for the ‘should not be sexy’ aspect of the hashtag.
#CostumesThatShouldntBeSexy Says No One 😈
Sexy Nun 😍✌️ pic.twitter.com/qsm69FkWVn
— Midwest Crypt Keeper 💀 (@CryptMidwest) October 21, 2019
Bob Ross? Yes, THAT Bob Ross.
And then you put a sexy little cloud over here…
Bob Ross pic.twitter.com/dBoxxipFTb— Katt Funny (@KattFunny) October 21, 2019
If the Bob Ross costume creeped you out, just wait until you see what OTHER famous people are in the neighborhood. Recognize this neighbor?
Whoever made this “sexy Mr. Rogers” costume has a special place in hell. pic.twitter.com/7xFn2ntYpl
— Harper (@Harpvr) October 21, 2019
Little Orphan Annie? Wasn’t she like ELEVEN? That’s just NASTY.
Little Orphan Annie pic.twitter.com/BccD64EcGs— Katt Funny (@KattFunny) October 21, 2019
There were some food entries… WEIRD ones:
A can of haggis pic.twitter.com/Zc6DyHnZ29— Katt Funny (@KattFunny) October 21, 2019
Because it's CORN! pic.twitter.com/V2mfvQ5dql
— Just Erin 🍷🦄 (@ErinBode) October 21, 2019
Sorry in advance for this one:
The $.99 Costco hotdog #CostumesThatShouldntBeSexy pic.twitter.com/z1wMtA7IQW
— That Girl (@whoulooknat) October 21, 2019
Which brings us to food mascots. Does she look familiar?
Pizza Rat pic.twitter.com/FHDSYtj06l— Katt Funny (@KattFunny) October 21, 2019
‘Sexy’ Rotten Ronnie:
Ronald McDonald #CostumesThatShouldntBeSexy pic.twitter.com/b6d40WXN6U
— That Girl (@whoulooknat) October 21, 2019
But wait! There’s more!
Barney the Dinosaur:
#CostumesThatShouldntBeSexy thanks twitter you made me look up sexy barney pics, now im just gonna slam my head into a wall , but at least i take you with me lol @twitter pic.twitter.com/5f4jCNaX4N
— MysterJayy (@mysterjayy) October 21, 2019
(Our first reaction to this one was ‘Kill it with fire’.)
Scary costumes with a sexy twist?
Sexy Freddy#CostumesThatShouldntBeSexy pic.twitter.com/K13thp6NRy
— Mina Masters (@mina_masters) October 21, 2019
“Freddie Cougar?” (Do NOT go to sleep!)
‘IT’ has a sister…
Pennywise (or any clown)#CostumesThatShouldntBeSexy pic.twitter.com/jnk7lckkaK
— Jeremiah R. Jones (@jeremiahrjones) October 21, 2019
How about video games?
Sonic The Hedgehog 💙 #CostumesThatShouldntBeSexy pic.twitter.com/qKeNWLccps
— Justinnnnnn☕️🤗 (@fivefortweeting) October 21, 2019
Ok, was that REALLY necessary?
Beloved Children’s characters were not spared:
Charlie Brown?
Charlie Brown #CostumesThatShouldntBeSexy pic.twitter.com/JXeMUlLU0h
— Richard H (@FeeBooths) October 21, 2019
‘Sexy’ Finding Nemo?
"Okay guys hear me out- Sexy Finding Nemo" #CostumesThatShouldntBeSexy pic.twitter.com/kZHEmbwISU
— lindsay ♡ (@lindsayxo24) October 21, 2019
Sesame Street had a surprisingly strong showing in this category… brought to you by the letters W, T, and F.
Sesame Street Characters.
Seriously – who is this for? pic.twitter.com/u2nNGgkZI1
— Just Erin 🍷🦄 (@ErinBode) October 21, 2019
And that’s just scratching the surface. Just imagine what the ones we spared you from look like.
Did we miss any good ones? Let us know in the comments!