Remember When Being On The Government Tit Was A Bad Thing?

Not so long ago, if a healthy young buck was sucking from the government teat, it cost him his man card, and a heaping helping of public shame.
What happened to the embarrassment and stigma that came with being a loser and slob who refused to go out and pay his own way in life even if he was young and healthy enough to do so?
My latest blast throws a sacred cow of poor-me victimhood and envy on the BBQ. It’s two minutes of straight FIRE!
Now we’ve got an entire political party fighting over who can bribe us with our own tax money, the most.
‘Free’ health care. ‘Free’ college.
Free this… free that.
And all of these wonderful ‘gifts’ come for the low, low price of our Free …dom.
My newest blast drops every weekday and don’t miss my weekly show every Saturday night. Details below:
Doug’s daily commentary can be heard in Austin on News Talk 1370 am at 9:47 am and 5:45 pm, Monday thru Friday, and Saturday at 12:03 pm and Sunday at 4:00 pm. Doug’s show also airs in San Antonio on ‘The Answer’ 930 am every Tuesday-Friday at 8:31 am and 4:31 pm. His weekly 30-minute talk show is every Saturday at 9:30 pm. In addition, Doug can be heard nationwide, every Saturday and Sunday, on the Salem Radio Network.
How do you make SURE you don’t miss out on this and Doug’s other news and special events? Simple: Hit up the website and sign up for the email.
You won’t miss a thing… even if The Tech Tyrants DO try to ghost it.