WATCH: Extinction Rebellion Activists DANCE Their Way To A Carbon-Free Future

These are the people that we are told to take seriously because they take the fate of humanity seriously. Are you sure about that?
An extremist climate activist movement, Extinction Rebellion, has mobilized protesters all over the world this week to demand that governments take immediate action on climate change.
They’re sorry that they’re blocking traffic, making you late for work and allowing your car to sit there idling for hours while they protest.
It’s because they’re terrified for the future. Besides, they’re really looking out for you and your children and grandchildren.
We're sorry… We don't want to disrupt you, your families and your loved ones but the inaction of our governments on the climate and ecological emergency is a death sentence. We are terrified, we are angry and we have to #ActNow. Join us in the streets – #InternationalRebellion.
— Extinction Rebellion Global (@ExtinctionR) October 7, 2019
They’re so serious, you guys.
They’ve written songs:
Demonstrators have gathered for a fourth straight day as they attempt to drum in their climate message. This morning protesting outside the Sofitel on Phillip Street. #ExtintionRebellion #7NEWS
— 7NEWS Sydney (@7NewsSydney) October 9, 2019
They’re doing yoga:
.@ExtinctionR #ExtintionRebellion doing yoga on Westminster Bridge. #ExtinctionRebellionLondon #westminsterbridge #ClimateChange #ActNow #London
— Energy Live News (@EnergyLiveNews) October 10, 2019
(Is someone going to tell them that their mats are made of PVC?)
They even have training sessions for their protesters.
8:30PM TONIGHT ON @SBSVICELAND, The Feed goes behind the frontline with #ExtinctionRebellion.
STREAM HERE:— The Feed SBS (@TheFeedSBS) October 10, 2019
It might look like serious activism from that training video, but reality shows a different story.
It’s a giant party for the whole family! There’s music, free food, it’s like a big block party!
"If I can't dance, I don't want to be in your revolution." – Emma Goldman
No problems here – dancing in the street has broken out on the #WeAreAllCrew site!#ExtinctionRebellion#EverybodyNow#RebelForLife #InternationalRebellion
— Extinction Rebellion Bristol (@XRBristol) October 8, 2019
They take the dancing thing very seriously.
— Disclosure (@disclosure) October 9, 2019
In the Netherlands, there was no problem “culturally appropriating” the Tango for climate activism.
Rebels dance the #tango during @XRUtrecht climate march '#Utrecht is flooding. We invite everybody to join #ExtinctionRebellion and become #RebelForLife. Next #Rebellion weeks start October7. #ClimateEmergency
— Extinction Rebellion Nederland (@NLRebellion) June 29, 2019
Circle dancing is apparently a thing…
There’s also interpretive dance… (I couldn’t resist embedding this one because of Lauren Chen’s comment!)
I can smell this video…
— Lauren Chen (@TheLaurenChen) October 10, 2019
And “street theatre” like this pack of weirdness:
Ecological street theatre. #ExtinctionRebellion #ExtinctionRebellionlondon
— banthebbc 𝕏 (@banthebbc) October 10, 2019
Oh, wait it’s England.
Bloody genius.
Protesters are supergluing themselves to the streets. (Check out the woman on the right who is trying to take her backpack off after gluing her left hand to the road.)
BREAKING: Protestors now supergluing themselves to Kings Bridge @9NewsMelb @9NewsAUS
— Sam Cucchiara (@SamCucchiara9) October 9, 2019
Just like Justin Trudeau, Extinction Rebellion activists love their costumes.
In Dublin, they dressed as trees.
In Australia, they’re kangaroos.
This is joyous! Kangaroos against the climate crisis, kangaroos against ecocide.#ExtintionRebellion #ClimateCrisis #EverybodyNow
— XR Writers Rebel (@XrRebel) October 9, 2019
Or bees.
Watch this lady in the red hat go! #ExtinctionRebellion
— Stephanie Bedo (@stephanie_bedo) October 7, 2019
And all over the world, they have these weird Handmaid’s Tale meets Star Trek costumes.
As tents and belongings are cleared by police, The Red and Green Brigade add their sober faces to the 2000 stoic rebels gathered at Victoria Street near the Gov Department of Energy @savetheamazon @farmsnotfactories @friends_earth @greenpeace @extinctionrebellion @xr_youth
— Farms Not Factories (@farmsnotfactory) October 9, 2019
The red druids have grown in number. So many more now. They are too powerful for the white druids imo. Here they are on Horseferry Road, Westminster #extinctionrebellion
— Rory Meakin (@rorymeakin) October 7, 2019
They look like they are marching to a group suicide…..what is wrong with these people #ExtintionRebellion
— 🎀KELLIE🎀I SEE DUMB PEOPLE ™🦋 (@kelliekelly23) October 10, 2019
Sometimes they combine the costumes with their songs like Soya the Cow.
They’re cool with using children to push their agenda…
@XRFamilies @XRFamilies_DE Performance an der #Jannowitzbrücke #ExtintionRebellion #BerlinBlockieren
— Extinction Rebellion Frankfurt #WaldStattAsphalt🌱 (@xrfrankfurt) October 9, 2019
…the younger the better.
Mums breastfeed their babies at Extinction Rebellion 'nurse-in' in London.
— RT UK (@RTUKnews) October 10, 2019
‘I need to protect her future, I’m frightened’
Anna Moore is taking part in a nurse-in at Westminster as part of the @ExtinctionR protests.
— Victoria Derbyshire (@VictoriaLIVE) October 9, 2019
What a circus.
Oh, that reminds me…
#ExtinctionRebellion have got their own hula dance troupe now
— Damien Gayle (@damiengayle) October 8, 2019
But remember, it’s all orchestrated… and rather poorly.
Kind of like this flashmob:
#Klimastreik #Darmstadt 20.9
XR Thriller Dance Flashmob 1/2@fffdarmstadt @FRIZZmag @fr @ExtinctionR_DE @ExtinctionR @RTLHessen @hessenschau #ExtinctionRebellion #AlleFuersKlima #GlobalClimateStrike
— Extinction Rebellion Darmstadt #LützerathBleibt (@XRDarmstadt) September 20, 2019
Last week the Extinction Rebellion activists tried to paint the British Treasury with “fake blood” but they lost control of the hose and ended up making a huge mess on the street.
Extinction Rebellion climate change activists lose control of fire engine hose while spraying red paint on British Treasury
— Reuters (@Reuters) October 3, 2019
I’m sure that the fire truck that they’re using is completely eco-friendly, right? Otherwise, it would just be hypocritical.
Speaking of hypocritical…
Wow… Extinction Rebellion is spending $1.23 million over next two weeks to blockade London.
$185,000 will be spent on DIESEL BUSES getting protesters to the barricades.
Because… what's a climate event without hypocrisy?
— Steve Milloy (@JunkScience) October 5, 2019
The #ExtinctionRebellion camp site in Hyde Park has this nifty little Diesel Generator hooked up and several Patio heaters going full blast in the bar area.
— Tuffer (@TufferB) October 8, 2019
WATCH this #ExtinctionRebellion 'protest camp' trying to hide their diesel generator.
They dance better than they hide, that’s for sure.
— Avi Yemini (@OzraeliAvi) October 10, 2019
Is it just me or does this look like a nutty, sad climate alarmist death cult that admits that its goal is to take down capitalism?
Meanwhile, in the real world, people are being harmed by their “action”.
#ExtinctionRebellion – as u shut down main roads leading London hospitals, I walked 20mins with some 1 who has CANCER so they could get to hospital for a procedure, as the car couldn’t get thru. 20mins might not sound long but when u hav CANCER IT IS! Thanks Extinction Rebellion!
— Adelina – Copywriter (@PurposeCopy) October 7, 2019
Blocking roads in order to protest the minuscule possibility of an increase in global temperature of just 1.5 degrees Celsius in 100 years is horrible behavior.
It’s one thing to protest, but quite another to block access to a hospital.
And the authorities let them continue without intervening.
This is the world we live in now.
God help us.