DANCING PRIEST: Father Riviera Has Some SERIOUS ‘School Spirit’

He’s a senior theology teacher, recently ordained, and has some badass dance moves.
With all the politics this week, we never quite got a chance to fit this in. But now that the rush is over, we can all use a bit of a break from it. We didn’t want our readers to miss out on the fun.
Quick. Close your eyes and imagine a ‘senior theology teacher’.
Now imagine that guy stepping onto the gym floor in the middle of a pep rally dance number.
What’s your prediction for what comes next? A scolding? A call to cut the music?
Or does the young buck steal the show with some sizzling dance moves of his own?
Of course, you’ve got a headline to tip you off. But imagine, for a moment, you were in the audience and watching this live. Imagine that didn’t know what to expect.
Now sit back and enjoy! You’ll know it when you see it.
Here’s the description that came with the video:
Cardinal Gibbons High School’s very own dance and cheer teams put on quite a show at the 2019 homecoming pep rally with a disney-themed dance with special guest, Father Rivera!