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WATCH: While The Rest Of Us Were Enjoying Thanksgiving, This Climate Alarmist Was Literally In Hysterical Tears

This is BOTH kinds of hysterical.

What happens if you’re on Day 10 of your environmentalist hunger strike, and not even Nancy Pelosi cares about your silly ultimatum?

Eat or do without. That’s your own business.

But if you’re trying to force someone’s hand to comply to your demands, you should make sure someone gives a damn about your threat, first.

The fact that you’re crying real tears on social media because you can’t participate in a thanksgiving feast that runs directly contrary to the principles of ‘climate extinction’ only shows what an intellectually dishonest fraud you really are.

But people in the real world are supposed to stop and listen up when you make a demand on the rest of us?

That’s not how this works. Not at all.

If you think you have Gandhi-like clout, you are very much mistaken.

As it happens, his theatrics haven’t even moved the needle for her. Which brings us to his tantrum.

And they wonder why we don’t take them seriously?

She doesn’t know you exist. And if she did, she probably doesn’t care. She’s too busy trying to figure out her next move in a battle of power politics and media messaging to worry about the likes of you.

What happens when he finally realizes she’s never going to take his phone call.

Will he will himself to actually die for his cause? Will he throw in the towel and show that this was just a theatrical stunt?

Will the rest of them think twice about making a threat you can’t actually follow through on?

Wes Walker

Wes Walker is the author of "Blueprint For a Government that Doesn't Suck". He has been lighting up since its inception in July of 2012. Follow on twitter: @Republicanuck