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ADORABLE: Little Boy Brings His Entire Kindergarten Class To Watch Him Get Adopted (VIDEO)

Have the tissues ready for this story. The love and joy in this video is awe-inspiring. And watching dad break down in reaction to his new son’s words is beyond amazing.

Kids need families. And one lucky little boy, Michael Orlando Clark Jr., just got his forever family.

Not only is he terrifically loved by his new mom and dad, but his classmates were gushing over him too.

The judge even let him swing the gavel to make it official.

With so many tragic things judges have to be privy to, this must have been an amazing moment for the judge.

Make sure to stick around for the best part, when the little dude gets his turn to talk. It’s at about the 0:58 mark.

Dad was absolutely overwhelmed by the moment.

Many of our readers will be too.

Kids with intact families — and especially a dad present — really matter in the trajectory a kid’s life takes in this world.

This kid got his shot. Some of you may be thinking about adopting, being a foster parent, or even just being a mentor.

If it’s in you to do it and help someone that way, go for it. It’s people like you that make a real difference in what kind of a tomorrow we’re really going to have.

Wes Walker

Wes Walker is the author of "Blueprint For a Government that Doesn't Suck". He has been lighting up since its inception in July of 2012. Follow on twitter: @Republicanuck