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Pro-Abortion Pete Asked By Pro-Life Democrat If Her Views Are Still Acceptable By The Party. Here’s What He Said…

The “Party of Tolerance” doesn’t seem to be so tolerant with this particular issue.

At a Fox News town hall over the weekend, Mayor Pete Buttigieg was confronted by a self-described “proud, pro-life Democrat” about where pro-life Democrats fit in the modern Democratic party.

Kristen Day, 50, from Oakton, Virginia has pro-life views but is still a Democrat. She’s not alone. There are millions of pro-life Democrats that are uncomfortable with the party’s shift from “safe, legal, and rare” to “up to 40 weeks, government-funded, and without apology.”

The exchange between Day and Buttigieg was fascinating. At one point, Buttigieg “mansplains” to Day that the choice to kill a child lies with a woman and her doctor and men and other women shouldn’t have a say in that. It’s the classic “bodily autonomy of the woman” argument that conveniently sidesteps the central argument of the pro-life movement — the child is a separate life and is it wrong to extinguish that life for convenience?

The Democratic Party is the party of death — change my mind.

DAY: I’m a proud pro-life Democrat. Do you want the support of pro-life Democratic voters? There are about 21 million of us. And if so, would you support more moderate platform language in the Democratic party to ensure that the party of diversity and inclusion does include everybody?

BUTTIGIEG: Well, I respect where you’re coming from and I hope to ensure your vote. But I’m not going to try to earn your vote by tricking you. I am pro-choice. I believe a woman ought to be able to make that decision. Here’s what I — I know that the difference of opinion that you and I have is one that we have come by honestly. And, the best that I can offer — and it may win your vote, and if not, I understand — the best that I can offer is that if we can’t agree on where to draw the line, the next best thing we can do is agree on who should draw the line. In my view it’s the woman faced with that decision in her own life.

Moderator Chris Wallace then jumps in and mentions that President Trump was the first American President to attend the March For Life and addressed the crowd there. Wallace then asked Day if she was satisfied with Mayor Pete’s answer.

DAY: I was not because he didn’t answer the second part of my question. The second part was the Democratic platform contains language that basically says that we don’t belong — we have no part in the party because it says abortion should be legal up to months and the government should pay for it. And there’s nothing that says that people have a diversity of views on this issue should be included in the party. In 1996, and several years after that, there was language in the Democratic platform that said that we understand that people have very differing views on this issue, but we are a “big tent” party that includes everybody, and therefore, we welcome people like you — people like me — into the party so we can work on issues that we agree on. And so, my question for you is, would you be open on language like that in the Democratic platform that really did say that our party is diverse and inclusive and we want everybody?

BUTTIGIEG: I support the position of my party that this kind of medical care needs to be available to everyone. And I support the Roe vs Wade framework that holds that early in pregnancy there are very few restrictions and late in pregnancy there are very few exceptions. And again, the best I can offer is that we may disagree on that very important issue, and hopefully, we will be able to partner on other issues.

WALLACE: What do you say to Democrats who are pro-life? And obviously, there are millions of them as well. What do you say to them on an issue of such deep conscience? That they should overlook this particular issue and look at the whole sum of views or go find another party?

BUTTIGIEG: Look, I never encountered a politician — or another person — that I agreed with 100% of the time. Even on very important things. At the end of the day, this is what I believe. People I care about and respect view it differently. But this is something I believe is so important. Especially because I’m never going have to make that decision. And so, I may have my views, but I cannot imagine that a decision that a woman confronts is ever going to be better — medically or morally — because it’s being dictated by a government official. That’s just where I am on the issue.


Imagine what the “progressive” Democratic party will be like in just a few years. Governor Blackface Northam gave it away right before his yearbook photo scandal — he believes in abortion after delivery.

I can just hear the new slogan, “It’s a choice between a woman and her kid’s pediatrician.”

These folks aren’t just completely disingenuous, they’re also ghoulish.

K. Walker

ClashDaily's Associate Editor since August 2016. Self-described political junkie, anti-Third Wave Feminist, and a nightmare to the 'intersectional' crowd. Mrs. Walker has taken a stand against 'white privilege' education in public schools. She's also an amateur Playwright, former Drama teacher, and staunch defender of the Oxford comma. Follow her humble musings on Twitter: @TheMrsKnowItAll and on Gettr @KarenWalker