LMAO: President Trump Was Just Called The ‘First Black President’ At Black History Month WH Roundtable

It looks like President Trump is erasing every single bit of Obama’s legacy…
The White House Black History Month Roundtable was quite the event. Prominent black leaders, social media personalities, and former star athletes all gathered around to discuss issues facing black communities.
But it was one moment in particular that caused the entire crowd to explode into laughter and applause. Former NFL safety Jack Brewer, who is now a Professor at the newly-founded Fordham Gabelli School of Business, and an ordained minister, called President Trump the First Black President.
The affair largely involved the black leaders in attendance praising the president as Trump touted his record — while taking shots at the media. The player who made the comment was Jack Brewer, a former NFL safety who played college ball at Southern Methodist University before embarking a five-year journeyman pro career. Brewer is also an ordained minister, a professor at Fordham University and a vocal pro-Trump booster on social media.
“I’ve got to say this because it’s Black History Month. Man, you’re the first black president,” Brewer said as the event was winding down.
Clearly, this was a joke.
Trump, obviously, is white and is not the first black president. Former President Barack Obama earned that distinction in history after his 2008 election to the office.
Brewer, however, was likely calling back to the “first black president” nickname given to former President Bill Clinton after novelist Toni Morrison called him that in the New Yorker in 1998, citing Clinton’s upbringing and other characteristics.
Source: Fox News
It was in response to President Trump’s action on prison reform which is an issue that Brewer is passionate about. He started a program to teach business to inmates. Yahoo Finance covered Brewer’s initiative in August 2019.
“I’ve been able to establish a program that we can teach these guys business principles so when they get out they at least understand business terminology,” Brewer told Yahoo Finance during a recent interview.
The program — an offshoot of Brewer’s Athletes and Artist Executive MBA program that helps prep former athletes for second careers — is designed as a professional development course for inmates preparing for similar transitions into the workforce.
“These guys have never had access,” Brewer said, saying many of his students said they wouldn’t be in prison if similar education programs were more readily available.
“I was in there for 6 hours teaching these guys and they were transforming,” Brewer said. “They didn’t know what a stock or bond (TNX) meant, [but] after I left they knew about shorting stocks, they understood the market, they understood accounting principles — this is what we’re supposed to do. Serve.”
Source: Yahoo Finance
As introductions were given around the table, Brewer said, “I’ve worked my entire life in order to serve black communities teaching my brothers and sisters in the NFL, now at Fordham, and the inner cities doing community work. And I gotta say, Mr. President — I ran NFL Careers for Obama. I’ve been a Democrat all my life but I’m not a Democrat now. You’ve changed me. You touched me. And you made my work go to another level. You inspire me. And every time I go into those prisons and I ask my guys how many of them had their sentences reduced and they raise their hands, I know I’m doing God’s work and I thank you for that.”
At the end of the event, Brewer had one more thing to say, “I don’t wanna interrupt, but I’ve got to say this because it’s Black History Month. Man, you’re the first black president.” Attendees cheered and clapped while President Trump laughed.
WATCH: President Trump was called the FIRST BLACK PRESIDENT at the Black History Month White House roundtable:
“I don’t wanna interrupt, but I gotta say this cause it’s Black History Month. Man, you’re the First Black President.” pic.twitter.com/ejgvSZrYt8
— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) February 28, 2020
Jack Brewer has been a very vocal supporter of President Trump. And if his name rings a bell but it isn’t because of his football career or his activism in black communities, maybe you remember the ClashDaily article that included an interview with Brewer when he said the he was the one that urged President Trump to call out the Democrat politicians for the third-world conditions in Baltimore.
After seeing what President Trump has been able to do for the black community, Jack Brewer is solidly on the Trump Train.
Blacks in America have listened to Presidents campaign on empty Promises for over 50 years, now @realDonaldTrump has delivered real Policies that are bringing people out of poverty and freeing our black sons and fathers from mass incarceration. The Black Awakening is happening https://t.co/rEYV0Y1qsw
— Commissioner Jack Brewer (@JackBrewerBSI) February 27, 2020
Of course, CNN’s Don Lemon had a panel on and one of his guests, Keith Boykin, called the group black Trump supporters a bunch of “Uncle Toms”. He was so proud of it, he posted the clip on Twitter.
One of these so-called black Trump supporters had the nerve to call Donald Trump “the first black president” during a Black History Month celebration at the White House.
The audience cheered.
That tells you everything you need to know about the people in the room with Trump. pic.twitter.com/OorAz7aLCW
— Keith Boykin (@keithboykin) February 28, 2020
Apparently, Boykin thinks that your skin color determines your political views. But that’s not racist, guys.
What I wouldn’t give to see a visible minority leftist pundit who didn’t demand ideological purity based on skin color. So far, I haven’t seen one yet. Because, (ironically,) they’re all the pretty much the same and lob the same attacks against anyone that disagrees with them. If you don’t believe me, just check out Candace Owens’ s Twitter account.
You can watch the entire White House Roundtable here:
- WATCH: Here’s What We ALL Missed About Trump’s Baltimore ‘Scandal’ … Someone Tell CNN
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