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What is an American?

First and foremost, an American loves his/her country. An American is a patriot, one who loves his fellow human beings.

An American believes in limited government. If you believe in government supremacy, you are not an American.

An American believes in self-government. If you believe professionals should run government, you are not an American.

An American believes in economic freedom. If you believe in collectivism by government, you are not an American.

An American believes rights are God-given. If you believe government bestows rights, you are not an American.

An American believes in the separation of powers. If you believe in an all-powerful central government, you are not an American.

An American believes in religious liberty. If you believe in government mind control, you are not an American.

An American respects the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God. If you don’t respect these laws, you are not an American.

Americans believe in the U.S. Constitution as written. If you do not believe in the Constitution, you are not an American.

Americans believe in the rule of law. If you do not uphold the rule of law, you are not an American.

Americans believe in defending and protecting ALL rights listed in the Constitution. If you don’t agree, you are not an American.

Americans believe public officials are servants of We the People. If you believe officials are superior, you are not an American.

Americans believe life is sacred & virtue is crucial. If you disagree, you’re not an American.

Above all an American loves God, Family & Country.

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Allan Erickson

Allan Erickson---Christian, husband, father, journalist, businessman, screenwriter, and author of The Cross & the Constitution in the Age of Incoherence, Tate Publishing, 2012.