Socialized Medicine In Action: Italian Doctors Now Telling Patients Over 60 To Pound Sand

In case anyone still hasn’t figured it out, THIS is exactly what Sarah Palin meant by the “death panels” inherent in Socialized Medicine.
If you’re over 60: No respirators for you!
Italy has been hit very hard with the coronavirus that originated in Wuhan, China. The death rate in Italy is a staggering 7.94% — the highest in the world. The high fatality rate isn’t just leaving thousands mourning family members, they’re also struggling to be able to bury their loved ones properly.
The limited medical resources and increase in severe cases have forced the government-run healthcare system to make some difficult decisions — they’ve elected to ration care.
So, as families try to communicate with their loved ones in their final hours with regulations and quarantines in place, they also know that the government has already decided who they are willing to save and those they are willing to let die.
Italy suffered more coronavirus-related victims than China with 4,825 confirmed deaths and 5,000 confirmed patients in the last 24 hours, Channel 12 reported on Sunday.
Israeli doctor Gai Peleg, who is currently working to save lives in Parma, Italy, told Channel 12 that things are only getting worse as the number of patients keeps growing…
…Peleg said that, from what he sees and hears in the hospital, the instructions are not to offer access to artificial respiratory machines to patients over 60 as such machines are limited in number.
Source: Jerusalem Post
See? Sarah Palin was correct about “death panels.”
Limited resources require these kinds of decisions.
The thing is, this is a more subtle (and nefarious) way of handling things — not offering something isn’t precisely denying care, it’s just not allowing access life-saving treatment because the patients are, in this case, too old. This is especially despicable when you consider that there are quarantines in place, and the incredibly sick patient simply doesn’t have family around as advocates.
Is this the future that Bernie Sanders, AOC, and even some more “mainstream” Democrats want?
It would seem so. Rationing is what happens when the government runs healthcare.
By the way, although there is much speculation about “Why Italy?” there is a clear connection to the Chinese sweatshops that have popped up in Italy over the last 30 years and the nonstop in flights between the countries which would also promote tourism. The first cases of Coronavirus in Italy were two Chinese tourists in Rome.
During the past three decades, more and more Chinese investors bought into textile and leather-good factories in northern Italy, and they brought over Chinese laborers to work in those factories. By 2010, there were reportedly 60,000 Chinese in Prato, an industrial suburb of Florence. To accommodate Italy’s new foreign labor force, nonstop flights were established between China and Rome.
None of this was a secret. The Chinese takeover of “Made in Italy” fashion was reported by, among other publications, the Chicago Tribune (“Chinese immigrants transform Italy’s fashion industry,” Jan. 2, 2009), the New York Times (“Chinese Remake the ‘Made in Italy’ Fashion Label,” Sept. 12, 2010), the BBC (“The Italian fashion capital being led by the Chinese,” Feb. 12, 2013), Reuters (“Italy’s Chinese garment workshops boom as workers suffer,” Dec. 29, 2013), the Associated Press (“Clashes amid Italy’s crackdown on its Chinese community,” July 1, 2016) and the New Yorker (“The Chinese Workers Who Assemble Designer Bags in Tuscany,” April 9, 2018). In the wake of the coronavirus outbreak, however, our media seem to have gotten a case of collective amnesia; readers and viewers are left mystified as to why Italy has become the epicenter of this pandemic.
After the coronavirus scare sent Italy into a nationwide lockdown earlier this month, several U.S. news organizations (including NPR, Time magazine, and ABC News) decided to address the question, “Why Italy?” Most of their answers had to do with demographics and aging, with Italy having a much larger proportion of senior citizens than other countries. None of them, however, made mention of the tens of thousands of Chinese laborers working in clothing plants in northern Italy, where their COVID-19 outbreak was first detected in February.
Source: The American Spectator