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President Trump Says That Biden ‘Owes’ Elizabeth Warren And Should Make Her His Running Mate

President Trump thinks that the Sleepy Joe/Pocahantas ticket is the right one for the Democrats.

It was a brutal smackdown of Senator Elizabeth Warren(D-MA) and a scathing rebuke of the former Vice President all at once.

President Trump said that Biden “owes” Warren the spot as his running mate because if it weren’t for her, Biden wouldn’t have beat Senator Bernie Sanders(I-VT) in the Democratic Primary. Trump said that it was Warren’s refusal to drop out of the race that split the progressive vote which caused Biden to come out on top.

Warren had a disastrous Super Tuesday performance losing her home state to Biden.

Speaking to the New York Post, President Trump weighed-in on who he thought Biden’s running mate should be.

“I think Elizabeth Warren is responsible for Joe Biden’s win because she didn’t drop out and [Vermont Sen.] Bernie [Sanders] would have won every single state on Super Tuesday,” Trump said, claiming Warren split the progressive vote.

“I think he should pick Elizabeth Warren because Elizabeth Warren, more than any other person, including [South Carolina Rep.] Jim Clyburn and including anybody you can name, is responsible for the win of Joe Biden,” he continued, referring to Clyburn’s campaign-reviving February endorsement of Biden.

President Trump also expressed some doubt that Biden would actually be the Democratic nominee.

“If he’s gonna win — and I don’t know that he makes it to the starting gate — but if he does make it to the starting gate, [Warren is] responsible,” he said.

“She was responsible for his win so therefore I think he owes an obligation to pick Pocahontas,” he said, using his favorite taunt for Warren due to her past tenuous claims of Native American ancestry.

Source: New York Post

Weirdly enough, Democrats agree with the President’s pick. At least, that’s what a recent poll from CBS News has shown. Senator “Spouting Bull” Warren is way ahead of the competition, despite the heavy-duty lobbying by some potential candidates.

*cough* Stacey Abrams *cough*

Seventy-one percent of Democratic voters say Warren should be considered as a running mate, topping the list of potential female picks. Warren was followed by Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) at 59 percent, former Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacy Abrams at 50 percent and Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) at 49 percent.

The Massachusetts progressive also earned the top first-choice pick for the position, at 36 percent. Harris followed at 19 percent, ahead of Abrams at 14 percent and Klobuchar at 13 percent.

Source: The Hill

Democrats must be thrilled that they agree with the President on this.

Joe Biden has committed to selecting a woman as his running mate, but with the sexual assault accusation made by Tara Reade combined with his creepy, handsy behavior around women and girls, it’s just making that commitment rather… awkward.

It’s also awkward for the “Believe All Women” activists in the Democratic Party who were quite vocal during the Kavanaugh confirmation–Warren was “Chief” among them.

She kept it up until just about 5 minutes ago when Biden became the presumptive nominee.

During the primary, Warren weaponized the “Believe All Women” to knock out Mini Mike Bloomberg.

Here is Senator Warren during the Kavanaugh confirmation:

She accused Brett Kavanaugh of behaving as though he’s “entitled” to the job as a Supreme Court Justice.

Not a word about Biden behaving as though he’s “entitled” to the job as President on his third attempt.

Here she is saying that she’s calling out the “powerful men who protect other powerful men.” 

So, who is going to call out the “powerful woman” who tosses aside her rigorous “Believe All Women” standard to support a man now “credibly accused” of sexual assault who also has a history of being a little “too friendly” while being completely oblivious to a woman’s obvious discomfort and used to skinny-dip in front of female Secret Service agents?

I’m sure that there are a lot of people willing to call her out for it.

President Trump is counting on that, and that is one of many reasons why he’s suggesting Warren.

He also knows that if he says the sky is blue, Democrats will say that it isn’t.

It’s a way to sow division in an already divided party.

This is a win-win move for the President–if Joe does pick Liz, Trump can say that the former Veep took his advice, and if Warren isn’t named as the running mate, Trump can hammer the Biden for being ungrateful for her splitting the progressive vote.

Stable genius, indeed!

For a political newcomer, President Trump sure is good at politics!

K. Walker

ClashDaily's Associate Editor since August 2016. Self-described political junkie, anti-Third Wave Feminist, and a nightmare to the 'intersectional' crowd. Mrs. Walker has taken a stand against 'white privilege' education in public schools. She's also an amateur Playwright, former Drama teacher, and staunch defender of the Oxford comma. Follow her humble musings on Twitter: @TheMrsKnowItAll and on Gettr @KarenWalker