Cancel Culture Comes For Howard Stern Over Old Skits With Blackface And The N-Word
The new woke mob is angry that a shock jock who built his career on pushing the limits actually pushed the limits back in the 90s.
How quickly the wokescolds work to make their former “ally” their new target.
Perhaps that’s precisely why he is in their crosshairs–they had to comb through his history and ensure that he was worthy. The new “woke Puritans” have suddenly discovered that Howard Stern is “problematic.”
Congrats on recognizing that Howard Stern is a shock jock.
Just last month the left was going crazy over Howard Stern because he was knocking Trump supporters for being gullible and dumb. He said that he hates Trump supporters for voting for the President.
Watch the cronies at The View praising Stern for his honesty.
But now, things are suddenly different after a 1993 skit of Stern’s “resurfaced.”
Howard Stern has become the latest in a long list of celebrities and power players to be forced to confront their use of blackface.
On Thursday a video appeared online showing Stern in minstrel-style makeup, liberally using the N-word. It was cut together with a recent appearance on “The View” during which he claimed he’d never used that word.
Imagine the shock of the wokescolds at discovering that a Pay-Per-View Howard Stern special called “New Year’s Rotten Eve” had something offensive in it.
In the skit, Stern plays Ted Danson in blackface alongside Sherman Helmsley dressed as Whoopi Goldberg, whom Danson was dating at the time. It’s a mock interview of the couple by Stern’s on-air sidekick Robin Quivers. During the skit, Stern mocks Goldberg’s appearance, makes racist jokes, and uses the “n-word” several times but is reprimanded by Quivers.
It’s clearly a mockery of how ridiculous Danson was to put on Al Jolson blackface for the Friar’s Club Roast of Whoopi Goldberg in 1993. Danson made racist jokes dropping the “n-word” and the couple defended the move for weeks after the backlash hit. It was very controversial at the time.
I guess Blackface Matters
— Tariq Nasheed 🇺🇸 (@tariqnasheed) June 11, 2020
The full video of the offensive skit is on YouTube here (for now).
Longtime Stern employee Steve Grillo of the Aftershock XL podcast network — who worked on the special — tells Page Six that he doesn’t believe Stern is racist and that he never used that language off-air. He said that because the show was on pay-per-view and wasn’t governed by Stern’s longtime nemesis the FCC, their attitude was, “We’ve got the whole world watching — let’s push the limits.” He added, “The leash was off and they were going to be rabid dogs.”
Source: Page Six
The new puritans on the left don’t like it that Stern did a very bad thing 27 years ago and then lied about it.
It doesn’t even matter that Stern, who was known for pushing the envelope, was mocking the absurdity of Ted Danson’s actions and the defense of them.
What we can take away from all of this is that there is no “n-word pass” for anyone ever.
It doesn’t matter if you’re a Jewish guy doing a skit with your black co-host and a well-respected black comedian on Pay-Per-View in the 1990s.