Dear Leftists: Old Video Of Joe Biden Surfaces Where He Says The N-Word Twice–Is He ‘Canceled’?
Uh-oh, Joe! The new Puritans on the left will demand that Biden be canceled for this, right?
An old clip of Joe Biden from 1985 is being shared online where he says the n-word twice in during a confirmation hearing.
Watch the short clip:
You can see clearly that Biden is reading something, so these aren’t his own words.
That doesn’t matter.
Cancel Culture leftists don’t care about context and intent doesn’t matter.
It made no difference to them that both Washington and Jefferson wrote that they wanted abolition, just that they were slave owners and profited from slavery. That’s why monuments must come down.
To provide the proper context for Biden’s remarks, this was during the confirmation hearing of William Bradford Reynolds who was being appointed as Assistant Attorney General. Democrats had accused Reynolds of siding with bigots and rolling back racial progress. At one point, Biden quoted a complaint to Reynolds that used the n-word twice.
Sen. Joseph Biden (D., Del.) questioned Reynolds about his handling of Louisiana`s congressional redistricting, where the state legislature initially had approved a plan that created a predominantly black district in New Orleans. But because of opposition from former Gov. David Treen and white legislators, the plan was replaced by one that split the black district and preserved the seat of a GOP congressman.
Biden pointed out that Reynolds was aware of complaints voiced by a key state legislator, whom the senator quoted as saying ”we already have a nigger mayor (in New Orleans); we don`t need another nigger big shot.”
Source: Chicago Tribune, June 5, 1985.
Here is a longer clip that provides context:
The entire hearing can be found on C-SPAN.
But let’s be frank, Joe Biden has a long, long history of being tone-deaf at best or outright bigoted at worst on racial issues. It’s the “soft bigotry of low expectations” that seems to be prevalent on the left.
We remember his comments about Obama back in 2008:
This is an example of the soft “white knight” kind of bigotry that views minorities as helpless and incapable of success without a white savior to come to their aid. It’s disgusting.
But we know that Joe has had a number of these “gaffes” that are always “taken out of context” and misunderstood.
Artur Davis, a four-term Democratic Congressman had a real problem with Biden’s “put y’all back in chains” comment back in 2012.
When Senator Kamala Harris(D-CA) attacked Biden on opposing busing in his early career and siding with overt segregationists and outright bigots in the Democratic Party, Senators James Eastland and Strom Thurmond. Biden even gave a eulogy for Thurmond.
Biden has even lied about his “white knight” history. When he was running for president in 1987, he said that was a civil rights activist, but when he dropped out of the race he said he wasn’t an activist. Now that he’s running again, he’s saying that he’s an activist again.
Which is it, Joe?
That’s not his biggest problem, though.
Biden’s nearly 50 years in government means that he has a long history that can be critiqued. His 1994 crime bill is being viewed as racist now.
Biden back in the day was a more reasonable Democrat by today’s standards. He was a glad-handing politician’s politician who was willing to cross the aisle when needed. But that’s not how politics works in 2020.
The old Biden wasn’t on-board with what the 1619 Project, Black Lives Matter, and Democrats are now advocating–reparations and an admission that the United States is systemically racist and must be completely restructured in order to ensure racial equity.
“I do not buy the concept, popular in the ’60s, which said, “We have suppressed the black man for 300 years and the white man is now far ahead in the race for everything our society offers. In order to even the score, we must now give the black man a head start, or even hold the white man back, to even the race. I don’t buy that,” Biden told a Delaware weekly newspaper in 1975. “I don’t feel responsible for the sins of my father and grandfather.I feel responsible for what the situation is today, for the sins of my own generation. And I’ll be damned if I feel responsible to pay for what happened 300 years ago.”
Biden in 1975 was right on this, and yet, that’s not where leftists are heading in 2020.
Increasing pressure is being put on Biden to go further left and adopt policies like reparations and defunding police as well as prisons.
More than 50 liberal groups warned Biden could lose Black support if he doesn’t step up to a list of policy demands, including reparations and defunding police & prisons. My story on @foxnewsnight with @ShannonBream
— Jacqui Heinrich (@JacquiHeinrich) June 17, 2020
The question is what will happen first–will Biden cave to the outrage mob and erase 40+ years of his policies in his attempt to win the White House, or will he be canceled by the same mob for using the one word that a white man must never utter?
We’ll have to wait and see.