MEME OF THE DAY: Trump’s Historic Address And Walk To Church Is Already A Bad@ss Meme
Now THAT didn’t take very long, did it?
One day after parts of Washington DC was set aflame, including a church that every president since Madison has attended on the other side of Lafayette Park, President Trump stood up with a short, but significant — and historic — message for America.
It didn’t take long for ‘Trump’s Favorite Meme Maker’ to spice it up with some video clips and a audio track.
We’ll give it to you both as the Meme-ified version and the original content.
Here is Carpe Donktum’s meme:
For those who prefer the original over the remix, here is the speech as he actually gave it:
You will notice the phrase Katie highlighted. An excellent choice.
Mark Levin weighed in on the speech:
The president's speech was outstanding, and very necessary.
— Mark R. Levin (@marklevinshow) June 1, 2020
And on what followed:
The president’s walk through Lafayette Park, controlled the night before by rioters, to the burned out St. John’s Church, holding his bible in his hand, was truly historic. A fabulous moment of enormous important.
— Mark R. Levin (@marklevinshow) June 1, 2020
A lawful curfew was enforced.
And the President walked to the same church that had been torched the night before.
Is it just me or does this pic of @realDonaldTrump make every Democrat governor in America look like a candyass?
— Andrew Klavan (@andrewklavan) June 2, 2020
Pres Trump walks out of White House and crosses Lafayette Park walking to St. John's Church, sustained fire damage last night by protestors.
— Mark Knoller (@markknoller) June 1, 2020
He got no end of grief for how he held the Bible, but the Bible wasn’t merely a prop.
We have the greatest country in the world—and we will keep America safe.
— The White House 45 Archived (@WhiteHouse45) June 1, 2020
It stood a reminder of the commitment this administration has made to the exercise of religious freedom both domestically and around the world.
One day after a Church has been firebombed by anarchists, it stands as a reminder of what really matters.