WATCH: Project Veritas Exposes Antifa’s ‘Militia Wing’
They want a revolution and they are training for one.
In 2018, an undercover journalist for Project Veritas infiltrated the “militant wing of Antifa”, Redneck Revolt in Shelby, North Carolina.
The group is a “pro-worker, anti-racist organization that focuses on working class liberation from the oppressive systems which dominate our lives.”
The branch in Shelby, according to the journalist, sees themselves as revolutionaries who believe in the total abolition of oppressive systems like the police and government. They are anti-capitalist, against the NRA, and other institutions that they believe perpetuates “white supremacy.”
They are anarcho-communists who try to bill themselves as a “diverse group” made up of various political backgrounds, but their aims are decidedly far-left.
From the Redneck Revolt website under the “About” tab:
It is with these conflicting histories in mind that Redneck Revolt hopes to incite a movement amongst working people that works toward the total liberation of all working people, regardless of skin color, religious background, sexual orientation, gender, country of birth, or any other division that bosses and politicians have used to fragment movements for social, political, and economic freedom.
Source: Redneck Revolt
Redneck Revolt’s website states, “In states where it is legal to practice armed community defense, many branches choose to become John Brown Gun Clubs, training ourselves and our communities in defense and mutual aid.”
According to the undercover journalist, members of the John Brown Gun Club in Shelby adhere to the same ideology that Antifa does–communist, anarchist ideals where the working class should rule the country with no government.
Project Veritas today released a third installment of the #ExposeANTIFA series, which debuted last week. In addition to secretive meetings and violent combat training, today’s footage brings to light members of an Antifa group, Redneck Revolt, practice shooting with semi-automatic weapons at a local gun range.
“Our latest video further demonstrates how dangerous Antifa is. This well-organized international organization is willing to engage in street fights and apparently prepares for armed combat. Project Veritas will not stop until we pull back the veil and find out who is empowering this very heavily-armed group,” said Project Veritas CEO and founder James O’Keefe.
Source: Project Veritas
The reason that Antifa/Redneck Revolt/John Brown Gun clubs are joining with Black Lives Matter is their shared goal of destroying “white supremacy” and empowering working-class people of all races to be free from the elites. It’s class warfare with a nod to racial disparities.
The greatest threat to those that pull the political and economic strings in this society is a unified resistance movement among poor and working class people. The vast majority of those that live in the United States, have relatively no power over the decisions and conditions that affect our lives. The overwhelming majority of those that live in the U.S. are poor or working class. We are the ones that see our paychecks (if we happen to even get one) gutted, our pensions and benefits dry up, our communities destroyed by drug abuse and poverty related crimes, and our entire lives spent struggling to just survive.
In the moments when white working people have looked beyond their skin color and have worked alongside movements of poor and working class people of all races, the power of the ruling elite has been the most directly threatened. It is when the working class has started to view itself in terms of class and racial solidarity that liberation has waited just around the corner.
Source: Redneck Revolt
Our system of government may not be perfect, and we may have some work to do, but to suggest that we need to have a revolution in order to impose anarchy with an underlying system of communism is absolutely insane!
Even more so when we have “revolutionaries” in our midst fomenting division and causing destruction.
These folks have a radical leftist worldview and are quite happy to impose it onto the rest of us–just like they claim that the “elites” do to them. That’s not freedom–that’s just tyranny by a new master. The master’s name is chaos. No thanks.