COVIDICTATORS: Texas Official Suggests Social Distancing And Wearing A Mask In Your Own Home
Texans will love this new encroachment on their freedoms, right?
Texas Division of Emergency Management is suggesting that residents of the Lone Star state take measures to stop the spread of COVID-19 when they are in their own homes.
In a recent appearance on News 4 San Antonio, Chief Nim Kidd said that although Texans have been doing a great job with wearing masks and “social distancing” when out in public, they should consider doing the same in their homes. (Full video is available on the WOAI website.)
Chief Nim Kidd spoke to WOAI’s Ryan Wolf and said as much.
Kidd asked, “Have you done the things to protect yourself and your family when you’re at home and when you have extended family coming to stay with you, are you doing everything you can to protect them and yourself from this virus?”
You’re being guilted into compliance.
“We still need people to wear the mask out in public, we still need people to keep social distance and isolation,” Kidd said. “Ryan, the one thing I want to try to get across today is we need to do that when we’re in our homes also.
“As you know, I’m a life-long San Antonian, grew up there, worked there for many years and I know how many multi-generational families that we have. While we believe the community is doing a great job of following the rules when they are outside the home, we really need to be thinking about doing the same thing when we’re inside the home.”…
…“The fact we need to get across is, in order to protect ourselves, we need to protect our families and our loved ones,” Kidd said. “We really need to think about the care that we’re providing inside the home right now to make sure we’re not spreading this inside the home, then making it come outside the home.”
Source: News 4 San Antonio (Emphasis Added)
This is completely bananas.
Even the guidelines from the Center for Disease Control do not recommend that you wear a mask in your own home. The CDC website states, “CDC recommends that people wear cloth face coverings in public settings and when around people who don’t live in your household, especially when other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain.” (Emphasis added)
Clearly, it is wise to take precautions if there are high-risk individuals in your home–especially if you’ve been a part of a large gathering that where social distancing was not possible, if you know that you have been exposed to someone who has tested positive for the coronavirus, or if you have been lax in your precautions outside.
But that isn’t what Chief Nim Kidd is saying here.
He’s saying that we should consider taking the same precautions that we do when we go out into the wide, wide world, and do the same in our homes. That’s ridiculous.
It’s not just because the cloth masks may not be as effective as the “experts” have led us to believe.
REPORT: 2015 Study Of Cloth Masks Reveals That They Aren’t Very Effective
But if you want to shell out the bucks for disposable masks, well, there are problems with those, too.
LMAO: Wait Until The ‘Ban Straws’ People See What Masks In The Ocean Look Like! (Video)
Besides, how many of those would you go through in a day?!
It’s pretty clear that our “experts” are concerned with the rise in COVID cases that even leftist cities admit “may” have been caused by the wide-scale anti-racism protests that began at the end of May over the unjust death of George Floyd.
The problem is that despite all of the info that’s floating around out there about COVID-19, there is quite a bit that is still not known about this virus.
Much of this is directly the fault of the “experts” who have been talking out of both sides of their mouths for the past five-plus months.
It’s things like this and the other nutty positions by the “experts” that are making them very difficult to believe. If the virus is still spreading, maybe it’s their fault.
If the “experts” just gave it to us straight and treated us as though we are adults, they’d get better results. But hey, that’s just my opinion.
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