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HEY PATRIOTS: With ‘Big Three’ Sports Caving, Hockey Refuses To Bend The Knee (Video)

Are you wondering… why the HELL is NHL hockey trending in JULY? There are two very good reasons.
1) We’re finally having playoff hockey.
2) They refuse to bow to the Woke mob.

When the two New York teams STOOD facing the flag during the anthem, the fan reaction to the opening anthem gave a strong counterpoint to the Chinese-Communist-Party ass-kissers in another sport that paints political slogans on the court.

Others have begun to notice, too!

Here’s the contrast to the other tinkerpots:


Hockey brings in players from ALL over the planet.

How’s THAT for ‘diversity’?

They were raised to respect the flags of every nation represented, irrespective of WHAT political tensions may exist elsewhere between nations.

Even Czechs and Slovaks — a country that has been split in half — respect each other’s flags and regularly play each other. It’s part of the culture.

This respect for the flag isn’t a new thing or a publicity stunt.

Even the FANS love the game and the opening anthem is an integral part of the culture. How integral is it?

We’ve shared stories about how tech problems have cut out the sound system in playoff games, so the entire stadium full of FANS sang the words to the anthem so that it would get the hono(u)r it deserved.

This was the AMERICAN anthem and it was sung — word-for-word! — by CANADIAN fans.

Tell us again how USA is so evil and reviled by other countries?

Only the Leftists, Race-baiters, and Globalists have reason to hate it.

For anyone interested, playoff games kick off August 1st. Here’s a schedule.

This writer will be watching the most exciting duo in the game — McDavid and Draisaitl — with particular interest.


WATCH: Canadian Hockey Fans LOVE America MORE Than Liberals – HERE’S PROOF!

VIDEO: Hockey Coach Tells Players To ‘Get The F*** OUT’ If They Disrespect Anthem – ‘We’re NOT Women’s Soccer’

EPIC: Young Woman Spits FIRE After ‘Black In America’ Dig About Her Trump Support

Meanwhile, in the ‘Social-Justice Conscious’ NBA:

CHILD ABUSE: Did NBA Put Chinese Profits Above People?

Is this really such a difficult choice?

Check out ClashRadio for more wit and wisdom from ClashDaily’s Big Dawg. While you’re at it, here’s his latest book:

If Masculinity Is ‘Toxic’, Call Jesus Radioactive

Much of the Left loathes masculinity and they love to paint Jesus as a non-offensive bearded woman who endorses their agenda. This book blows that nonsense all to hell. From the stonking laptop of bestselling author, Doug Giles, comes a new book that focuses on Jesus’ overt masculine traits like no other books have heretofore. It’s informative, bold, hilarious, and scary. Giles has concluded, after many years of scouring the scripture that, If Masculinity Is ‘Toxic’, Call Jesus Radioactive. 

Wes Walker

Wes Walker is the author of "Blueprint For a Government that Doesn't Suck". He has been lighting up since its inception in July of 2012. Follow on twitter: @Republicanuck